Breathing for a moment...

Jun 01, 2009 14:50

Phew! Life is a bit insane right now, but good. I'm just posting an update on various things.

--I turned my revision in on time and my editor emailed that she was loving it, so all's well there! My worries were for naught.

--I got my author photos done and I will show them off soon!

--I had a nice time with mom + sisters in Asheville. What a cool city, amazingly environmental with amazing food. (Highlights were the scrumptious veg lunch at the Laughing Seed and scones from the farmer's market: Pear nutmeg and apricot ginger, both with large chunks of fruit and the taste of real butter.) My parents want to move up there so my mom was up there to look at a house. I really liked the house and the area so I'll be curious to know how that goes.

--In Asheville I introduced myself to the people who rang me up at the small children's bookstore there, and Malaprops, Asheville's lovely indie. Super nice store. The YA section is great and the girl I talked to sounded enthused, gave me her card and said she writes reviews for the Malaprops magazine. I'm SO impressed by their magazine. She interviews Charles Vess in it and everything. A couple people have asked me how to introduce myself to bookstore people, which is a little funny to me because I am usually shy! But I love book people and I never have any trouble talking to people at indies. I always browse, buy something, compliment the store (this has never not been genuine of course!) and then tell them I'm a writer with a book out from Bloomsbury next year. I also usually complain about Orlando and its lack of many indie bookstores and how happy I am to be here in an indie bookstore.

--I got an email from my editor while I was in Asheville about Magic Under Glass's cover; I am probably not supposed to talk about it so I won't, but let me just say it sounds like it will be AWESOME.

--Now I must get back to prepping for Savannah... When I get back, I swear I am going to stay at home and write a lot for the rest of June! I miss writing very much! Of course, it's only been two weeks since I was working on my edits, but it feels like a century.

random, travel

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