(no subject)

Jun 07, 2009 10:39

I'm in Savannah now. We're sitting around the table, laptops open all over the place. I still can't type much because I screwed up my arm racing to the revision finish line while trying to recover from a repetitive stress injury, BUT, I ordered voice recognition software and it should be waiting for me when I get home.

(People keep asking me if I can write by voice, and I'm 95% sure the answer is YES! because I read all my work aloud to Dade many many many times and it sounds sort of like a pretend game with myself. Which would be cool. But I guess I'll find out when I get home.)

I am not sleeping much. I have seen almost nothing of Savannah, but the house is fantastic. My brain is just buzzbuzzbuzz all the time! It won't rest!

I need to charge up the poor laptop now, so that is all! But when I get home there will be pictures.

writer social life, travel

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