just trying to get some of my planning time and budget set up, nothing to see here.. move along.. (unless you want to read it of course)
as always, open to suggestions, reminders, etc.
timeline: immediate plus some about 1 month
get existing merchandise up on etsy.
finish more
inventory supplies
timeline: some immediate, some 1-2 months
need to order Bella's stability harness so she can train with it. once ordered it will take a few weeks to come in.
i will need a simple "service dog in training" coat until then.
i should be able to make the training coat, and sew patches onto it. (note to self, get fabric and belt webbing)
i need to find some way to walk her and practice without encountering too much trouble until i figure out the self defense angle. dog parks work, but require driving and gas money :(
note: must finalize investigation into varieties of pet insurance.
timeline: immediate
schedule my time better. these classes are all pretty homework intensive. if i don't get this scheduled i am SO going to fall behind!!!!
find my new notebooks transfer last quarters notes into a storage binder.
re organize computer files and verify back ups.
the time line on getting any kind of fire arm is about 1-2 months at soonest from now unless i fall into money.
schedule range time. make especially sure i get trial time with different varieties of hand gun.
related, try different varieties of holster
get my discharge paper work (in progress) for carry permit
save money for decent quality gun
look into various organizations vis a vis discounted prices on supplies.
see if anyone has copies of the concealed carry books i want available. otherwise save for them on Amazon.
bah. hate this economy. anyway.....may need to see if i have anything left i can sell to raise funds for Bella and for defense. need to continue to de clutter house. i just have too much stuff. its mostly stuff thats good/usable, but i HAVE to reduce the clutter level.