since i really cant do any food shopping right now, and we tend to stockpile food. i was trying to find a meal that would be able to feed me, my husband, and our guest
krings_keep . Between all of our various food allergies, likes, dislikes, etc a lot of my husband and my usual foods were out, but HER usual foods wont feed wayne, and some things that she and i can eat wayne cant, and... and ... well you see the issue.
anyway, it turns out that we had a frozen turkey.
so after some adventures in thawing a 15 pound turkey i put it in the oven early this morning.
roasted plain, with the neck in the pan. since it had some ice and etc i figured it would have enough liquid, and i pretty much left it alone seasoning wise, because i figured it was going to be ingredients, not a "seasoned roast turkey"
it got done around noon-ish.
we promptly disassembled it for meat packaged the dark and light in two storage containers and put them in the fridge. (amazing how much meat you dont get from a 15 pound bird sometimes)
then the carcass, with any meat we couldnt get off, went into the stock pot with water and started simmering.
again, no spices or other ingredients because Krings_keep is allergic to some, and this was going to be a soup BASE, not a soup.
that simmered until around 4:30
at which point we pulled the strainer insert, set it aside to cool, jarred off a quart of the turkey stock for later and started picking the meat off the bones...
or the bones out of the meat, by that point it can be hard to tell.
after a discussion of what everyone could or could not eat, we put:
all the scrap meat off the carcass, and half or so of the dark meat we packaged earlier,
all the stock (less one quart in the fridge)
one cup brown rice
three chopped carrots
a small heart of celery, chopped,
three potatoes (less trimmings) chopped into small pieces
poultry seasoning
and some water
into the pot again and stirred. when the stuff got to thick we added water. when it started to stick and scorch we dumped it into another pot and called it done.
everyone grabbed seasoning to taste (mostly we all thought it needed salt, but we disagreed on how much so its just as well we seasoned it to taste) and?
everyone loved it, wayne was RAVING about it, and we all had a full meal of good solid hot stew type stuff.
you know whats funny? we had planned to have the cold turkey from the fridge, with the soup as a side dish. never touched the stuff. so thats left to take as "lunch meat" to Birka.
now i did this in the big colander insert in the stock pot (i love that thing) but all of it could easily have been done in a crock pot. probably with less risk of scorching. i just think its easier to have the carcass in a "colander style insert" so you can easily get the stock.
we routinely do this with chickens when we have time... but usually forget to do it with the Thanksgiving turkey.
basically cock-a-leekie soup without the "leekie" i guess.