its time once again for my "public service post" about how to save a life from a bad allergic reaction (including your own)
If you have allergies that are even "serious" and that have made you puff up, or seem to be getting worse, you need to read this
If you routinely hang around with anyone with serious allergies you need to read this
if you travel with groups away from a major medical response (like an SCA or school group) you need to read this
anti histamine (like bendryl) is available over the counter. you can buy it in capsule, gel capsule, liquid in a bottle, or pill.
you want liquid, gel, or powder.
NOT time release... emphasis /NOT/ time release.
i use the dye free liquigels, myself if i can...
i use the liquigels because carrying the capsule packages is easier than carrying a bottle. i have used liquid in bottle, liquid nyquil in a pinch, and powder capsules.
bite the capsule, or otherwise get the content free of packaging, put the actual powder, liquid or gel UNDER your tongue (as much as possible, i end up with some under my tongue and some ... elsewhere)
it will burn like heck and taste awful
but that way (sub lingual)is absorbed *now* and hits your bloodstream as fast as possible.
this will buy you time to get to your epi pen (injected epinephrine, prescription only...... ask your doctor) or to a hospital, or help.
if your allergy is fast acting AND passes off fast, you may be able to self treat by continuing doses of anti histamine.. but i usually suggest hospital for any severe allergy.
before anyone asks, yes you can be allergic to antihistamines
usually to *specific* ones. do not try to treat your allergy with something you are allergic to.
Obligatory Disclaimer:
i am not a doctor. I have used this method and it works. Other people have used this and thanked me for saving their life. BUT please do check with your doctor if you have any reason to think this might be a problem for you.
This is NO substitute for real medical care, its an EMERGENCY fix.