Waiting for the Worms....

Mar 11, 2009 14:00

first of all, its all hubby's fault that i now have Pink Floyd on the brain... he was the one who started talking about "worm songs" and "waiting for the worms" in specific... myself? i run more to Filk groups...The Arrogant Worms, for instance... (Carrot Juice is Murder seems strikingly appropriate...)

we are, in fact.. waiting for worms.  we have the Vermicomposter all set up and waiting, we ordered the worms, and are now waiting for .... thats right..... *mail order worms*.

~~"red wigglers, the Cadillac of worms"~~ cue WKRP in Cincinnati  "commercial"
(i didnt even know i KNEW that many worm songs..)

Anyway, i watched a video on U Tube from "sustainable Dave" which was neat... featuring the vermicomposter i have.. the "Worm Factory".
Its not the most complex system, but its simple, easy, and one of the cheaper ones.. assuming you dont build one yourself out of Rubbermaid tubs.

so.... i am considering becoming a re seller of these things, mostly because i think i should really encourage people to recycle their garbage (and permanently destroy all those junk mail fliers  and credit card bill papers that put you at risk of identity theft).

The company lets you do direct drop ship from their factory, so i wouldnt have to actually worry about stock, like i do with my knitting stuff, or even getting to the post office, since they would do all the shipping.  Its a better profit margin if you keep stock of course.... but its less work if i do it by drop shipment..

what do you think?

(PS. still sick, have to get to the post office today.. may or may not be able to actually DO that.)
(PPS Dragon Cave has been down all morning, so i wont ask anyone to try to go look at my scroll)

sustainability, songs, filk, worms, humor, wkrp, vermicomposting, composting, music, recycling

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