So very excited and sad

Jul 20, 2007 21:41

It's less than two and a half hours until I go to pick up my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Though I have read the epilogue (I so cannot resist temptation put before me...I'm a horrible snoop), I am extremely excited to journey with my favorite characters until the end of their adventure. It's bittersweet, really. Thank goodness that the fandom will keep going, or I don't know how I'd get my fix.

I'm looking forward to many questions being answered, but really, leaving some to dwell upon is even better. Until JK comes out with her encyclopedic guide to the Potterverse, I think it will be interesting to read the new theories, questions, and ships that come out of book seven.

I've never actually cried while reading one of the HP books before, but I think it's very possible that I might with this one, just because I know there will be no more books to come. :(

Still, it's going to be a blast talking about everything at Prophecy. Summer '07 is the Summer of Potter.
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