I cannot even begin to express how incredibly happy I was with this episode. Poor Michael, his life is still a train wreck, especially with a painkiller-addicted, jobless Jan to deal with. I felt sad for Dwight, but I absolutely loved how Pam stood up for him (as part of her job as Secret Assistant to the Regional Manager).
Of course, the Jim/Pam ending was made of win. I mean, I was giggling and tearing up at the same time. I am SO happy. I love all the throwbacks to the older episodes--Office Olympics, the "Absolutely, I do" thing...OMG. Yes.
And the ending--oh wow, Ryan is going to make Michael miserable. I'm not sure how he got the job since he hasn't made a sale, but it's interesting all the same. And his words to Kelly!!! ROFL
It was excellent.
That is all for now.