brb thinking big kid thoughts

Aug 23, 2010 12:57

First week of college over! Well, I suppose it doesn't really count, since it was just orientation. I'm excited for REAL school, though - I've got my schedule, the upperclassmen have been streaming in all weekend, and I bought all of ONE of my books.... haaa.

Books are fucking expensive, man, I'm worried I might not have enough. One teeny book for my FYI was nearly forty bucks! I'm buying them all used, but they're still expensive as shit. Gah.

I went out for dinner with my roommates last night at this little pizza place which was positively SKETCH-TACULAR but actually quite decent, and had, of all delicious things, BATTERED MUSHROOMS. So bad for you, but so tasty. Now I'm doing laundry which is pretty much where all good quarters go to die.

I got my schedule pretty much finalized, too! I have my audition for choir tomorrow, and my placement mini-audition for voice lessons on Friday, but other than that, it's:

Fascism with Ed Mathieu: 8:45 - 9:50
Beginning Latin I with Professor Watrous: 10 - 11:05
Visual Perception and Art with Professor Grosofsky: 1:30 - 2:35

FYI Seminar - Books, Bones and Bodies with Ellen Joyce: 2 - 3:50
and if I get in, Chamber Singers from 4:15 to 6:45! And then voice lessons once a week. But I don't know when that would happen yet.

SO YEAH, cool things, they're happening. I still need to see a man about my printer, as it took 2 1/2 days "installing," then said it had an error report, so I went through all THAT business, but now it's still acting like my printer doesn't exist. Lame. So until that happens, no art will make it to you nice people, and for that I am sorry. However! I can assure you that I have been drawing quite a bit, so when I DO update, it will be like artarrhea.
-work study - get info from costumers
-start pencils for Meg's comic (I HAVE A COOL FORMAT WORKED OUT, BE PROUD OF ME)
-get debit card from bank
-get real checks so I don't have to write all my personal info every fucking time I go to WALGREENS or something
-be an adult
-get other books
-practice moar

commissions, i am an adult, college, life, holy crap

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