Title: Commitment Series Title: Zhenya 6/6 Author: FabledFigment Timeline: Two years Post-BDM Rating: R (no smut, just occasional blunt language) Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just playing with the shiny toys.
Title: Thinking Series Title: Zhenya 5/6 Author: FabledFigment Timeline: Two years Post-BDM Rating: R (no smut, just occasional blunt language) Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just playing with the shiny toys.
Title: Conflagration Series Title: Zhenya 4/6 Author: FabledFigment Timeline: Two years Post-BDM Rating: R (no smut, just occasional blunt language) Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just playing with the shiny toys.
Title: In Context Series Title: Zhenya 3/6 Author: FabledFigment Timeline: Two years Post-BDM Rating: R (no smut, just occasional blunt language) Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just playing with the shiny toys.
Title: Homeward Series Title: Zhenya Author: FabledFigment Timeline: Two years Post-BDM Rating: R (no smut, just occasional blunt language) Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just playing with the shiny toys.