He's Just Not Good Enough For You - Lea/Dianna

Jan 24, 2011 20:50

Title: He's Just Not Good Enough For You
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Lea/Dianna, Alex/Dianna (mentions, he's not actually IN the fic though)
Summary: Lea knows that Alex is cheating on Dianna, so she tells her that he isn't good enough for her. Dianna asks the question, "Well then, who is?"
Word Count: 3900
Disclaimer: Obviously I do not own Lea or Dianna... or Alex for that matter. The events that take place in the story are purely fictional...*ahem*

A/N: The inspiration for this fic actually came from a dream I had months ago now, and I only recently got round to writing it down, so yeah I had this dream pretty much exactly with less details, but it was awesome from what I can remember, so I was like, omg must fic it. Yeah, hope you enjoy =)

A/N 2: Only roughly beta'd, so there might be a couple mistakes. Sorry about that.

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"So..." started Lea as she absentmindedly watched the bubbles in her hot chocolate swirl round the mug. She was sat at the opposite end of her couch to Dianna, but they brought their legs up beneath them so their bodies were facing. Dianna raised an eyebrow, amused at the tone of Lea's voice. She could tell the girl was nervous, and Lea rarely got nervous.

"Yes?" Lea looked up at the blonde and shook her head after smiling at her.

"No. Never mind, it, it was nothing, doesn't matter... anyway, how was work today then?" Anything to try and distract Dianna from noticing something was wrong. Lea really did want to tell her, but, it would upset her and she didn't want that to be the case. Dianna put her drink down on the coffee table, shifted her legs to the side and moved along the couch to the other end and she right next to the brunette.

"Lee, don't try and change the subject on me." Dianna laughed softly when Lea looked down at the floor guiltily.

"Somethings up, obviously, so, do you mind telling me what it is?" Lea smiled shyly before she followed Dianna's lead with a sigh and put her drink down.

"That's the thing though Di... I think me telling you... I think it would upset you. I mean I'm sure it will upset you. I just don't want to spread my... negativity... ugh, I don't even know, I just, I'm not sure if I can tell you..." Dianna received a very serious stare from Lea after she had spoken, and she returned it with a soft expression before slowly reaching out and placed her hand over Lea's,

"Lea… you know you can tell me anything. That’s what I’m here for, I’m your friend. Your best friend. I’d like to think you could confide in me with any troubles you were having. I’m sure you’re probably over complicating things anyway, you always do" she chuckled lightly, trying to lighten up the situation. Lea smiled shyly at her.

"I don’t know Di… I just think you really would rather not hear this. I’m sorry the thought ever entered my head. It’s silly." Dianna frowned a little, she really had no clue what could be so terrible for Lea not to be able to tell her.

"But Lea..." Dianna stopped when she saw Lea's eyes drilling into her. Lea gave her the best pleading stare, as if to will her to stop pushing, to just leave it, thatshe would regret pestering once the truth came out. But the dangerous look only seemed to intrigue the blonde further.

"Is it to do with work... uhh... RYAN?! Is he is pushing you too hard again you need to tell him, it's not good for you to be under so much stress." Dianna took a long shot, but knew that the only way she was even going to come close to finding out what Lea wanted to say, was by guessing. Lea shook her head no, and almost sighed at her friends persistance ; there was no way she was getting out of this one.

"Well then... is it about my acting?! Do you think I'm not doing well enough because if that's it then you really don't have to worry about my feelings, I need to know where I need to improve Lea, if it was a certain scene or just in general, tell me please, I don't mind.. If I don't recognise my fault--"

"Dianna, no stop. It's nothing to do with your acting...you are a wonderful actress. Never that... can we please maybe move on now?" Dianna rollled her eyes, she wasn't giving up that easy, she just needed to step up her game.

"Have you maybe fallen out with Naya or Heather? Was it something I said? Is your mum ill?" Lea shook her head again, Dianna was so far off it was untrue.

"Di... please, you're going to wish you hadn't said anything in a minute."

"How about Cory? Or Mark? If they're bullying you Lee, you need to tell someone." Lea frowned.

"No Dianna."

"Me and Alex?!" Lea instantly looked down and hesitated in her response before clearing her throat quietly and shaking her head uncertainly.

"Uh... no. No." Dianna's eyes lit up slightly and widened in realisation; Lea's hesitation didn't unnoticed.

"Oh my god it is isn't it?! Yes it is, you, you stopped for a second Lea don't deny it." Lea remained sitting in silence looking down at the floor. She'd been found out.

"I knew it!" Dianna exclaimed rather pleased with herself that she (finally) guessed it, "but Lee, I don't get it... me and Alex?! Has he said something to you?" Dianna stared in confusion at the girl, one eyebrow raised as was her trademark look.

"No, no, he hasn't...it's just..." Lea frowned and looked away quickyl. Dianna squeezed her hand gently to tell her to continue.

"You know what Dianna, I really don't feel comfortable doing this. Can we please stop it now, forget this please... please. It's only going to end in tears. I don't want to upset you..."

"Lea...I... I wish I could promise you that I won't get upset, but there's a chance that whatever this is, whatever you have to tell me, you know, it could upset to me, and I'd never want to break a promise made to you...so I can't promise you that but... if you don't tell me, whatever it is is just going to build up inside you and you're not doing any favours for yourself by doing that. You know that I'll be here... so, what has he said?" Lea glanced over at the blonde sitting in front of her, and then looked down at their interlocked fingers before sighing again. She was so lucky to have someone like Dianna in her life, and she'd never forget it.

"Dianna...Di... he... I can't, I can't, I can't Di, I can't." Tears were starting to form in Lea's eyes now and Dianna slowly pulled her in to a tight hug, running her hand up and down her back.

"Lea, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, everything is going to be okay, do you hear me?" They stayed like that for a while, Dianna continuing to whisper reassurances in the smaller girl's ear, telling her that she could tell her anything, . After another couple of minutes Dianna thought she could hear Lea mumbling something into her shirt She very slowly pushed her back so they were face to face. Lea's eyes were slightly smudged due to her makeup running from the tears that still hadn't completely ceased.

"...e's...ch....ing....on...o....Di..." Was all the blonde could actually make out when Lea finally spoke.

"Babe, you're gonna have to speak up a little." Dianna smiled to encourage her, showing that she didn't have to be shy about anything.

"He's... he's...Dianna..." Lea paused before hurriedly whispering the rest of the sentence.

"He'scheatingonyouDianna." She sounded almost guilty as she said the dirty words, and it literally felt like her tongue was covered in filth, and she wouldv'e taken a drink was she not in the middle of quite a serious situation.

There was silence between the two of them for 1, 2, 3 minutes before either finally spoke again.

"What?" Dianna spat the words out with a pained look on her face. She needed to hear again. To have Lea confirm it. She probably just misheard... that was all. Or that's what she desperately wanted to believe. Really, she'd heard correctly, she just didn't want to admit it just yet.

Lea looked up sharply, surprised at the sound of the blonde's voice. She closed her eyes for a second. She really didn't want to have to say it again.

Taking Dianna's face in her hands carefully, she gently pulled the girl closer so there was hardly any space between them and stared right into the hazel eyes before her, heart wrenching when she saw the traces of wetness where tears had begun to form. This was the last thing she wanted, for Dianna to cry. She was such a selfless, beautiful person, Lea thought it was the most painful thing for her to witness whenever she saw Dianna crying. Why anyone would want to hurt this amazing girl was totally beyond her.

Lea barely breathed the words out, and Dianna felt them more than she could actually hear them.

"Alex, is cheating on you Dianna. He's cheating."

They just sat there looking at each other. Staring. Connecting. Communicating.

Dianna could see the regret in Lea's eyes. She could see it all over her, like a really bad, blood-red stain that wouldn't come out. But she also saw true sympathy.

Dianna wasn't aware she was crying until she felt Lea wiping away her tears with her thumb.

"Dianna, please, please don't cry, don't cry baby girl. I'm so sorry. So, so, so sorry. I wish... I'm sorry."

Lea slipped her arms around Dianna's waist and pulled her in close. It was her turn to consolidate the girl now. And she just couldn't stop apologising. She sat rocking Dianna back and forth, kissing the top of her head, whispering "sorries" over and over as an unbearable wave of guilt washed over her. She guessed it was because, being the one who told Dianna, it made her partly responsible.

Eventually, Dianna drew back shaking her head.

"It's not true Lea. It can't be, he wouldn't do this to me. He loves me. I know that." Lea started to cry again then, she didn't expect denial. Thats something she hadn't taken into account.

"No... what?! Dianna, I'm so sorry, but... it's true. I saw it Di... I saw it."

"It must have been a mistake... a friend. That's it. One of his work friends was probably visiting and they just hugged goodbye or something. Alex wouldn't cheat. He just wouldn't okay, he's a nice guy."

Lea tried to take Dianna's hand then, but she flinched back when the blonde sharply pulled away with a sceptical look on her face, which was only met with a confused expression from Lea.

"Di, listen to me. I saw them. With my own eyes. Dianna in your ro-- your room." Lea swallowed her words halfway through when her throat closed up. She was shaking badly from pouring every emotion she had into what she said, she had to make Dianna see the truth, make her believe her.

"They were in your room Dianna, in your fucking bed. It was horrible. He had his dirty hands all over her and-- I don't want to describe it Dianna, I can't, not to you, you don't deserve it. You don't deserve to be treated like that. And he definitely doesn't deserve you."

"What were you doing anyway huh? In our house?!" Dianna yelled. Lea let out a strangled sob. Dianna wasn'ton her side. She wasn't believing her. She couldn't let that happen, She had to know.

"Di, I came over for christ sake, it was my day off and I assumed you had the day off too. I heard noises in the bedroom and thought... I don't know, I just thought it was you watching TV or something... I never expected it to be... that. I just... Dianna, you have to believe me here, you have to... don't you trust me?" Dianna hesitated for briefly before shaking her head.

"Lea, I don't know what to believe anymore." She looked at heartbrokenly at the brunette. She really did want to believe her, but... but Alex told her he loved her.

"He told me... he told me he loves me Lea. You can't fake love, you can't--"

"Whatever happened to 'actions speak louder than words' Di, it breaks me to say it but... love... if he really is in love with you, he's got a funny way of showing it. Last time I checked, love wasn't fucking some dirty whore off the street corner on you and your girlfriends bed! Love, is caring for some Dianna, always being there for someone no matter what. Always being by that person's side, always sticking up for them, being honest with them, telling them they look beautiful everyday, having fun with someone. Love isn't just a word, or a phrase. Love is sometihng you build up other time with someone really special to you until you become so close to them that you would risk your own life for theirs... Alex isn't in love with you Dianna." I am, was the instant thought that ran through the brunette's mind after she had said her piece. It shocked her for a second before she actually did realise... what she had just described... was pretty much her relationship with Dianna. She had been in love with her best friend all this time and she hadn't even realised until two seconds ago, but after the realisation hit her, it didn't feel strange or wrong, it seemed... logical. Correct. Real. Lea was in love with Dianna. And she was abruptly stopped from anouncing it when she saw Dianna shoot up from the couch and make her way behind it in order to get to the front door.

She almsot made it but was brought to a halt when she found Lea's arms either side of her neck, pinning her to the wall. Dianna panted strongly and frowned at the shorter girl.

"What are you doing, Lea, let me go." She attempted to move Lea's arms away and struggle out of their position but Lea kept her stance firm and held her hands even more strongly in place wih a stern look upon her face. She was stronger than the average person of height 5'2".

"Dianna, you listen to me. I am so sorry, I don't think I can ever apologise enough even though technically I have done nothing wrong, but you need to believe me here. I am telling the truth. I wouldn't lie about something like this." Dianna couldn't stop her ragged breathing. She was stressed and slightly scared at being kept against her will.

"Lea... please, just let me go now." She let out in a defeated whisper, wanting nothing more than to go out for a walk, and just, think, about things. Clear her head.

"Not just yet babe," Lea said apologetically, letting one hand off the wall, to come up and cup Dianna's cheek softly, stroking away the few remains of the tears, "Di, I just need you to hear me out one last time." Dianna sighed and closed her eyes before looking back up when she felt Lea's hand return to her side, ffectively trapping her once again.

"Dianna... Alex... Alex isn't..." Lea stuttered slightly, trying to find the right words, "he... he's not good enough Di. He's just not good enough..." She pausd for half a second before whispering "Not for you." Lea looked down at the floor solemnly.

Dianna felt her heart wrench, not for herself, but for the girl standing in front of her: her best friend. Who looked truly... sad? Guilty? Dianna couldn't quite place it.

"Well then, who is?" Lea snapped her head up quickly, thoroughly surprised by the question.

The pair of them stood in silence for about a minute, the only sound in the room was their breathing, which had noticeably softened. Both girls were quietly contemplating Dianna's question. All the while their eyes never left the other's.

The question hung awkwardly in the air. Lea could swear she could hear it echoing around the room because she's sure that those four words were the only words running through her mind at the time. Lea looked deep down into the beautiful hazel eyes in front of her. The more she thought it over, the more it seemed to her like Dianna had almost made the question sound like a dare. 'Well then, who is?' As if she knew. She knew... did she?

Dianna witnessed the change Lea's demeanour almost instantly; there was now a visible glint in those brown eyes that hadn't been there a few seconds before.

Lea knew then. She knew the answer. She realised that maybe, just maybe, she was good enough for the blonde. At least, she knew that she would give anything in the world to be in Dianna's arms right now, anything at all, anything that the girl asked for she would willingly give if it meant that they could be together. Lea almost wanted to kick herself for not recognising her feelings sooner, how could she have been so oblivious to this? If nothing else, Lea knew 100 percent that she would never, ever cheat on Dianna. Never. The thought wouldnt even cross her mind in a million years.

She broke the eye contact for the first time since the question had been asked, only to look down at the girl's lips. Only for a second though, because she went straight back to staring right through Dianna's eyes, trying to make Dianna understand, willing her to realise that the answer to her question, had been standing (literally) in front of her this whole time.

Lea inched the tiniest bit closer to the blondes face. Then a tiny bit more, until she was close enough to feel Dianna's, increasing, breath on her lips. She then flicked her eyes back and forth between Diann's eyes and lips, down and up, down and up, down and up... thinking things through in her head.

Dianna's mind instantly emptied when she felt Lea practically on her, what is she doing, was the question on her tongue before she quickly remembered what she had previously been asking, Well then, who is? and when she saw the way Lea's gaze was alternating from her mouth to her eyes, realisation hit her like a ton of bricks. A million thoughts rushed thorugh her head in the space of a few seconds, thoughts about Lea: their friendship, when they used to live together, their first trip to Broadway together, when they adopted Shelia and Claude, how Lea constantly looked at her with longing, how much chemistry they had together on and off set, the Achele fanfiction they read aloud to each other and sometimes laughed at awkwardly because of how accurate they seemed, the Rachel and Quinn scenes they shared, that one time they got drunk and ended up making out on her bed, the way her heart frequently fluttered whenever they hugged, the way Lea's hand fit perfectly in hers, the Somebody To Love performances at the concerts where they seemed to forget about everyone else and it just felt like the two of them together, the "party" in the ladies restroom, the way that Dianna never laughed as hard as when she was with Lea.

The way that Lea was always there for her, no exceptions.

Her brain processed all of that and everything seemed to click into place.

And she simply said, "...Oh." before she felt the confines that were Lea's arms collapse and come up to hold Dianna's face in her hands ever so gently, sighing contentedly as she whispered, "I love you Dianna Agron. I am in love with you."

Dianna closed her eyes as her lips met Lea's slowly and they moved against each other at a soft pace. Lea's hands moved down to Dianna's shoulders as she pulled their bodies so they were flush against one another, Dianna's hands finding their way to Lea's waist as she softly gripped on, pulling them infinitely closer. Lea cautiously brought her tongue into play, letting it slide across Dianna's bottom lip until Dianna met her in the middle and let their tongues gently caress each other, starting up a passionate dance as the girls savored every taste, every texture of the other one.

Dianna very slowly moved her hands under and up Lea's shirt, one hand spanning the smaller girls toned stomach, the other going behind and running the length of her back, up and down. She just needed to feel skin, anything to strengthen contact between them.

Lea moaned slightly into the kiss before pulling back to breathe, or pant rather; it sounded super cliché

Lea nuzzled her nose over Dianna's, smiling brightly. She wrapped her arms around the blonde's shoulders, hand's weaving their way through her hair and pushed her face into Dianna's neck and just, inhaled her sweet smell.

"I love you too baby girl. I think I always have." Dianna whispered softly into Lea's ear before kissing her head and just hugging her tightly.

Lea never wanted to let go. This moment she was sharing with Dianna, she never wanted it to end, she wished it could last forever and ever. Dianna didn't realise Lea was crying until she felt her neck getting damp.

She pulled back slightly confused and lifted Lea's chin up to face her.

"Lea? What is it? What's wrong?!" Dianna started to get worried then, her heart race picking up a notch. What if Lea realised she couldn't do it? What if she changed her mind? What if--

"Dianna, Di, please... please, Dianna, I love you, I love you... I love you so so much." Lea smiled at her and Dianna couldn't help but smile back. It was happy tears making their way down her friend's (girlfriend's?) face.

"Di, stay with me. Stay with me tonight, and the next night and every night after that... will you be with me?" Dianna started to tear pulled Lea back into her arms strongly, pressing their foreheads together so they could properly look at each other, smile at each other.

"Lea, there is nowhere else I'd rather be than right here with you. Of course I'll stay."


"Forever. I promise."

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rpf, pairing: lea/dianna, rating: pg-13, fic: he's just not good enough for you

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