alone in a city of 22,000,000

Sep 12, 2007 10:11

time goes by too fast in shanghai. way too fast. my 1 year comes up in a few weeks. i can not believe it. not even a little bit. i'm getting a little bit older too. i notice a little bit of wrinkling in my face. maybe i'm crazy and my face has always been that way, i'm not sure. perhaps its this urban environment.

i feel like this place has spawned a myriad of distant relationships. work hasn't been going great really either. i can't communicate with the people who i've hired. its still kind of like working by myself. i was hoping for a lot more collaboration and learning new techniques from others. it feels distant. the projects at work are not satisfying either. i don't care about advertising.

i wish that i had kept a better log of the last year. it's been a wild adventure. i do miss a few of my friends from SD right now though. one of my friends told me this morning that he is going back to the states this weekend. it wasn't entirely out of the blue, but it really is upsetting. he was a friend who you could talk about anything really deep with. we never were really close, i think mainly becuase we didn't spend much time together. like i said before, i dont know where the time goes. work 10 hours a day, hour commute, have dinner, usually meet up with asuka. that's pretty much the day. weekends are always filled with parties and whatnot.

i need to decide what i'm doing for the next year now. I could simply do the same thing as i did this year, but i dont think i want to do that. change is always good.

any ideas anyone?
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