Title: 1년 정거장 (Seunghyun's POV)
f_i_x_m_eRating: PG-13
Summary: Seunghyun drinks his sorrows away each night, wondering if his lover has gotten over him yet.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance
Pairing: G-TOP
Author Notes: Yeah, the sequel! Though you could read either one first and it would still make sense. This one goes on a bit longer though~ I hope
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...but if I were Jiyong I would've probably punched him first, then hugged him. LOL. I just don't see him being acceptive upon his return, no matter how much he wished for it.
LOL I'm tired-rambling. Anyway, this was very very sweet, like the first part. I think we do need to cut them some slack on the angst (just a bit) sometimes, and this did give the butterfly feeling.
Keep writing baby~ (Something with me again soon!) &hearts
It probably would've been more interesting if more drama was involved.
But that's what I get for writing while I was tired...
I kinda didn't want to make it longer because I wanted both fics to be of the same length, since either can be read on its own, but I dunno...
Thanks boo~^^
Aish...I think next time I write it will have to be with you, baby~
I'm lacking the confidence to write solo fics...all I come up are short, mediocre ones like this.^^;
I feel most comfortable writing with you..
I wouldn't say mediocre, short, yes, but I get what you mean about keeping it around the same length. (One of the main reasons I tend to write mostly oneshots is that when I feel restricted the story becomes very abrupt. XD)
You lack confidence without me...? *blush* Well, I seem to lack drive without you~
It's when I feel inspired too.
I don't feel eloquent though...
Ooooh I know what you mean about oneshots.
You saw what happened with my chaptered fic. XDDD
I rush myself as well...*sigh*
*blushes too*
I may not be the best co-writer...but be patient and I'll get better.
Then we can write something really amazing.
*sticks out tongue*
We write good together bb... ;_;
Don't be passive agressive/insecure!
Sorry unnie...
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