Dec 15, 2007 16:17
Merry Christmas to all!!!
Split up for xmas holidays yesterday......a holiday i shall not be seeing very much of i hasten to add!!!
Uni is hard in lots and lots of work! I wasnt expecting an easy ride but still i wasnt expecting the following....
3 x 1500 word reports on the Killing of Jill Dando, The Appeal of Barry George, and the Retrial of Barry George due 9th January.
3 x Chemistry research assignments which shouldnt be that hard coz im fairly good at chem!!! due 14th Jan
8 x Lab reports due 17th Dec
1 x 3000 word essay comparing the Criminal Justice systemo f England and Wales with that of another country! Due 21st Jan
Wow....Im feeling slightly less then enthused with Uni right now lol
But on a plus side my teeth are a lil less achey, the stitches have started to fall out which is good considering it now means i can actaully talk without sonunding like ive got several golf balls stuffed in my mouth!
Thats about alli canthink off!!!
Big hugs to everyone...and like i said before Seasons Greetings!!
Coz on top of xmas....its my 20th in 23 Days WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!