Nov 30, 2007 15:07
Well like the title says i survived...
Yesterday (29th November) i had my wisdom teeth taken out! Got to the hospital at 730 in the morning...hungary as hell coz i wasnt allowed to eat anything since midnight, and coz i had to be up early i hadnt eaten since 830 on the Wed. I almost ate the toothpaste i swear to god!
Saw three different people involved in the op, before i could have it. At 830 they came and got me changed into the very attractive hospital gown!!
At 915 they came to take me away - and i hasten to add that at this point i had been very brave - no tears or anything - i almost cried when they said i couldnt take my mum with me into the anaesthetic room coz i wanted some one there to hold my hand! (This braveness is negated by the fact that i cried my self to sleep on Wed night clutching my teddy bear coz i was so scared)
I sat down of the gurney...chatted to the anaesthesiologist and the next thing i knew some one has rolled me on my side and was shining lights in my eyes yelling at my to wake up!! And heres where i started crying...i had no idea where i was, what had happened and why i couldnt stop shaking. I have since been told that one of the side effects of the anaesthetic is similer to shock which explained why i kept shivering, yet i was sweating like a hog in a sauna!!
Half an hour later or so im told i am partially concoius in the recovery ward being told by a nurse to drink the water in front of me...and then spit it in to the bowl to clear out the blood in my mouth so i can speak! Ewwwww!!!
I had a cup of orange - then was told to have a cup of tea coz my blood sugar was low! So whilst they make the tea i am helped out of the hospital gown and into my day clothes. I was then sat in a very comfy chair and made to eat half a soggy digestive to prove i could eat and to drink an overly sweet tea - half of which ended up down my front due to the fact my lips were not working properly!! Cue more crying at my frustration of being like a three year old baby!
They then phoned my mum to tell her she could come get me, and half an hour later she arrived whilst i slowly tried top regain some sense of time, and stuff!
Mum got there and whilst we were waiting for the nurse to bring me over the drugs i needed to take at home...we found the pint of blood i had lost during surgery that they hadnt syphoned....i vomited it all over the waiting room floor!!! So once back to my mums she got to take my t shirt to wash coz it was covered in blood, vomit, tea nad orange!! Lucky her!!
Slept from 1 - 4, then 8 - 1030, then 1 - 7 yesterday into this morning! Still kinda sleepy now, but thats the co codamol...
Im going home at least - Mums dropping me back to my flat this afternoon after i slept at hers last night. Sean has been a darling and bought me a present because i was his brave baby..Its a book i was going to pick up after xmas if i had spare pennies!! Its very good and i love him so much!!
Thats about everything...apparently tomorrow all the drugs will waer of from the actual op and the pain will kick in thrice fold to what im in now...i cant wait!! Im missing an inch of jaw bone in total, and i have 8 my lower jaw.
So ouch...
Got my ultra sound on Saturday morning to try and figure out whats up with my stomach...which will be nice to know!
Im so tired...and achey...Wont be allowed back to work til Jan...which blows...but hey...if im ill im ill.....oh and on a funny note...its absolutly possible to make a lisp sound worse...i now sound permenantly *PISHED*
Speak to you all at various points of soon....