Worldbuilding Day 1/30

Jul 11, 2010 20:27

So of course I made myself busy and didn't start this yesterday like I'd planned to, but that's okay. As long as I just do this thing to completion.

And so, Day 1 of the exercise begins. Guidelines are here. Doing this exercise, with an issue of Life magazine as my initial guide, I've realized some things: The world is a much bigger and diverse place than any one man could ever hope to dream up, which is perhaps why so many fantasy worlds are so limited in geographic scope. It would never all fit! Whatever creator we must have, supposing indeed there is one, has spent their time and effort well. Also, my word I need to travel. The world is so beautiful through all its ugly, I could cry. And to think that much of that beauty and shame is wrought by man...

Anyways, the exercise.

clay desert arid, empty, old
sandy desert shifting, mysterious, deadly
lush, grassy plain / meadow calm, beautiful, open
prarie rural
tundra isolated, harsh
veldt flat, wild
boreal forest dark, mysterious, enchanted
rainforest humid, exotic, full of life
the South (hot, flat) lazy
San Francisco night, mercurial
mid-atlantic psycho temperateunstable, abrupt, extreme
mountains adventurous, rugged, wilderness
snowy mountains wildlife, inaccessible
Appalachia homely
lush valley lovely, green
tropics exotic, bright, warm
frigid ocean uninviting, scary
tropical ocean impressive
California unchanging, mild, static
Southwest (same as desert?) rugged, frontier
UK old, magical, storybook
India exotic, harsh, mysterious
river canyon strange, empty
Mediterranean balmy, ancient
hilly, painted countryside lively, touching, colorful
marsh / swamp quiet, everchanging, stagnant
fjord lush, crisp
flood plain flat, lifegiving

prompt, worldbuilding

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