reappearance for theatrical_muse

Nov 02, 2005 14:05

What do you see when you look in the mirror?I see a young girl, barely a woman, with blue eyes and dark hair and spots. I see an old, grey-haired man. I see a blonde woman. I see a pilot. I see a gymnast. I see a dreamer and a politician and a scientist ( Read more... )

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ezri_tigan_dax November 25 2005, 00:34:12 UTC
OOC--Ezri and I both quite like that comment--"Each day you live is one more day that it would not have had if you weren't around." And Ezri and I both love you madly. ::tackles::

Ezri smiles wryly.

I can't ignore what the symbiont thinks of me. It's like having a second mind, a second system of reasoning. Ostensibly, I'm in control, but there are eight of them and only one of me. Sometimes I watch myself doing things that...

She pauses, biting her lip, suddenly feeling a sword hilt in her hands, the way her image was reflected back to her in the shining metal--and any number of other images, memories from the last two years, none quite so drastic as the first, but all subtle reminders that somehow, in some way, her life is no longer her own.

Things that I never would have done as Ezri Tigan.

I mean, I don't hate Dax. Not at all. It deserves...respect. More than I give it sometimes, I think. It's older than I am. It's probably wiser, too.

She smiles, just a little bitterly. Although you could say that that's not hard to accomplish.

Despite her brooding mood, Ezri can't help but laugh at Damar's words. She wisely decides not to inform him that she doesn't have spots there.

You're sweet. Although I think Dax won't shut up whatever I do no matter how much I wish it would some days.

Sorry for the angsty answer. I just am not feeling bouncy at the moment. Damar's being all sweet and lighthearted and my heavy angst is seeping through to Ezri. =( ::contrition::


legate_damar November 25 2005, 10:48:58 UTC
OOC *beams as muse and mun are happily tackled* Heh actually Damar was kinda peeved that Dax would make her feel that way so he was being kinda snide to be honest lol He's a little protective of his friends as i'm sure you've gathered ;) Holy sweet deal! I love how you brought up the sword scene!!! wondefully done! *MU!Damar rolls eyes to his Norm!U version of himself and mutters* She doesn't have spots there you idiot! *mun turns crimson and elbows MU!muse* we didn't need to know that!

Damar winces slightly at her words understanding though on a completely different level what she means.

In other worse you have the "board of directors" or in my case the senate around all the time whether you like it or not. How do you not go mad? I can barely handle them myself and they're not even in my head (Thank the Great Gul for that!)

He furrows a brow as she explains the unusual behavior she sometimes encounters and it causes him to turn a little protective.

You mean to say the symbiote controls you sometimes? How can you stop it? It doesn't have the right to take over your body like that!

He frowns as he sighs.

You're probably right but still even in it's wisdom and all that rot it has to admit you save it's wormy little butt! That deserves some respect as well. Nevermind gratitude!

Her laughter causes him to grin as he chuckles.

I suppose your right, at least I have the advantage of leaving when I get sick of the "peanut gallery" as the humans say you on the other hand don't.

He turns curious.

But seriously how do you deal with it? I mean do you ever have arguments with the symbiote and what does it do when you win? or lose?


ezri_tigan_dax November 25 2005, 12:54:31 UTC
Aww! That's so sweet. ::hugs Damar tightly:: I really need to play Ezri's zhian'tira sometime, but first I have to round up eight willing muns. You're still playing Martok playing Curzon, right? That'll be great!

Hee! I was just watching Kingdom of Heaven (AWESOME movie, by the way, with added bonus of hawt Siddig) and there's this bit where he (er, the hero, not Siddig) is in Israel, hundreds of miles from his home, he's alone, his wife is dead, his father is dead, and he's about to go into a battle where he's likely to become quite dead himself, and he kisses his sword--the one his father gave him. It was totally this really cool moment; it wasn't all "Oh, l33t sword that I can kill teh evol Muslims with", it was more of a Faramir moment. "I do not live the bright sword for its sharpness, or the arrow for its swiftness; I love only that which they defend...." Which totally works with his speech later in the movie. (i.e. "We fight not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls!") And then I was thinking about Ezri, and the sword; and Joran looked at the weapon and he saw beauty in the power to kill and destroy, and there was such a huge contrast there... I don't know. Maybe it was just me. I'll shut up now. o_o

And Joran still fascinates me, in a creepy, dark sort of way. Almost like the Phantom of the Opera, only not. I mean, I usually don't get the 'sexy bad guy' thing, but when he's a musician as well? Yeah. Oh yeah. ^_^


betareject November 25 2005, 19:57:08 UTC
OOC - *mun grins as muse pretends like he doesn't like the attention* Oh i can't wait till you do!! I'm so playing as Martok!! I love that guy he rocks!! =D

Woah that is so intence! The scene you speak of I mean...It's heh kinda Damaresque minus the poetic speach of course lol

But you know it's perfect for Ezri and Joran's views of the universe...Kinda reminds me a bit of Anakin vs Vader too ;) You definatley must do more scenes with Ezri and her 'demons' ;)

Yeah!! I hear ya! Joran is probably the most intriguing of Ezri's previous lives...DArk but kinda sexy too =P And he is a musicion!? *drools* HAWT! heh *clears throat* anyways... back to rp ;)


agentrosecotton December 3 2005, 11:28:21 UTC
Hee! Well, now that we have Julian about, he can be...oh...Torias or Tobin or sommat. Not Joran. Julian's hot enough already without having a musician in his head. We were going to get Vic!mun to play Joran, possibly making the hologram intangible, so he couldn't murder people.

Who should Damar host? I think he ought to be part of this, so he can understand a bit more about Trill culture, like he was saying.... ::snickers as she pictures Damar hosting Audrid or Emony:: Maybe we better not do that to him.

Hee! Have you seen that movie? If not, DO. Tis v. good.

Hell yeah Joran is a musician! ::nodnod:: That was his whole bit; he was creepy and musical, and was killing people in order to finish the circle of music. Have you ever read "Lives of Dax"? If not, I think I'll have to send it to you with my next letter. ^_^;; It's totally awesome, especially the Joran bit.


betareject December 3 2005, 14:44:07 UTC
Can you imagine Julian as Joran!? *drools* wow now that would be so hawt!

Aww! I was hoping Damar would play as Joran hee! but then again the after effects might not be so good >.>

*howls* i don't think he'd like having to host a woman *snickers* he'd be so embaressed LOL! Worse then Quark I'm afraid although that was hilarious!!!

No I haven't yet I should though =) Is it as good as the Cube?

Finish the circle of music? What do you mean? Sounds very Phantom like if ;you ask me ;)

Oh no I can't say I have...Aww! you don't need to do that! I could just as easily rent it from the library i'm sure =) Thank you though! speaking of which hows the letter coming along? ;) Is all eager to read it!!


agentrosecotton December 6 2005, 16:17:52 UTC
O_O Whoo! Well, Julian's not exactly that kind of sexy....but he totally could be; just give him dark clothes, a weapon, and a musical talent, and he could be all creepy and Phantom! (OMG. Now I'm going to have to go and write that....)

Oh dear Eru--Damar as Joran?! O_O Well, you're totally up to it, I think, but would he be? We'd have to do what Jadzia did, and put him behind a forcefield. It's doable. Hmm.... ::ponder::

Erm. Well, it's quite different from Cube. Much higher budget, f'rexample; but it's very gritty and not a lot of flash and random special effects. It shows what war is really like, when you strip away all the glamour and choreographed, graceful swordfights; and it shows us, chillingly, how history repeats itself despite our best efforts. It's Orlando Bloom (shudder) but he's not actually too bad, and the l33tness of Sid and Qui-Gon and a couple of other really awesome characters balance him out. Totally watch it!!!1 It's Ridley Scott, and it's really really damn good. ::nods::

I'm not sure what he means, but while he's killing people, Joran is all on about "finish the circle". It's quite creepy. O.o

Hee! Well, if you'll promise to rent it from the library, I won't spam you with it....

Augh! Letter. ::blushes:: Been working on it for a while now, and am almost ready to send it...Can't say if it'll get there before Christmas. But I am working on it!


OOC legate_damar December 6 2005, 20:42:14 UTC
*EG* Yeah he'd need some facial hair and longer hair in general to pull it off...*drools* I don't like that actor normally but yeah he'd look hawt as a goth...

ooh!! You must write it and share it with us!! =D

*eyes muse who raises a browridge in concern*

Yes!! Lets do it!! Can you imagine Damar being all elegant and dangerous playing piano (in leather)*squees* Oh that would be so sexy!! I mean wicked! *mun get smacked by muse*

*Considers watching it as BF begs her not to* Ah he hates Orlando BLoom but it has Liam Neeson which is Hawtness! To hell with BF i'll find a way to watch it >;)

Woah! I wonder if the circle pertains to notes of music the pitch and tones of voices? Maybe or genres perhaps? @.@; Okay i'm thinking about this far too much...Definately have to get this book now...>.>

*squees* I can't wait to see it! I love letters! No rush though i understand =)


Re: OOC agentrosecotton December 21 2005, 16:02:17 UTC
What?! You don't agree with the rest of the known universe in totally, utterly, and completely fangirling Siddig, with his hair and his British accent and mmmmm....? HERETIC!!1 ::smite:: [/kidding]

Yeah, I didn't get Julian-lusting until I started RPing Ezri. I was the Sisko-luster and Nen was the Julian-luster. And then we started to RP, and we switched. O.o Yeah. No, this Trill hasn't taken over my head at all.... ::tries to banish the urge to draw spots on self so she will look normal::

LOL! I have to admit, I never thought of Damar as elegant, at least not in the musical way, but...agreed, that would be incredibly hot. O_O ::glares menacingly at MU!muse and dares her to say anything; the Trill simply smirks:: I don't know if we should do that to the poor man, though. He wanted more on Trill culture, not a madman in his head. o_o

Hee! Tell Tim that Orlando Bloom's really not that bad in this movie. There were moments when he was almost sexy. I mean, he's good-looking (quite noticeably so) but he hasn't seemed to have any substance; but in this movie, I almost lusted after him once or twice. Especially when he was being all l33t and protecting the people. ::nods:: And you totally must watch it, BF or no BF! ^_^

::eagerly awaits for BR's reaction to letter::


Re: OOC crashpadd December 21 2005, 22:39:56 UTC
LOL I'm not saying Siddig isn't hawt he's just a little too well skinny for me I like guys who are more built ;)

Oh really? LOL now you two seemed to have switched crushes huh? Ah it's all good Hey don't knock it you looked so cool with the spots they looked like a real tattoo! I was impressed!!

*snerks* Damar elegant *howls* What a joke! *is clobbered by muse* *EG* I say we should totally try if Vic's mun isn't up for it That would rock!!

Orlando Bloom good looking? I can't like a guy who is more pretty then I am LOL! hes just too beautiful and it makes me jealous lol now Ewan McGregor (did i spell that right?) with a beard? *guh!!*

woah but you know seeing him as a warrior might work wonders...*ponders a way to trick BF into watching movie* Hmm not to mention Liam Neeson is in it *guh!part 2*

Oh when is it coming!! *whines like Anakin* I want my letter dammit!


Re: OOC agentrosecotton December 22 2005, 12:54:37 UTC
Really? I've never been one for 'buff' guys. Of course, I have the strangest taste in men in the history of the planet. (Did I tell you that I think Colin Mochrie's adorable?)

Heh! The Trill spots are all Nen's fault. Then again, everything's all Nen's fault; she got me into the X-Files, she got me into Trek, she got me into Tolkien, she actually got me into sci-fi and fandom in the first place.... It's not fair! She's the older one, so she goes out and discovers all this cool stuff! ::pretends to pout:: But I did find this RP! And 'The Dead Zone'! =D Go me!

Look at this:


@_@ ::sobs:: And he was so l33t....

Hee! I'm sure Casey Biggs could play Damar as elegant if he wanted. But I'm still not sure about him playing Joran. O_O It might be just a bit too sexy creepy.

Hmm. I'll admit it, I've always found Orlando Bloom quite easy on the eyes; but as mentioned, he has no substance and very little acting ability, and I agree that he's way too pretty. Neither is he particularly sexy, despite being British. But give him a beard, maybe a little goatee like Will Turner, and aesthetically you've got to admit that he's very good-looking.

I hope you'll like your letter. I put lots of little things in there for you. ^_^;


Re: OOC betareject December 23 2005, 05:39:42 UTC
o.O what? are you serious? Wow I would have never thought!...Frankly I kinda like the rugged sort myself (aka hence my hidden guilty pleasure for Obi-wan in ep 2-3 *blushes*)

Oh no!! Ah crap that sucks! Vic was awesome...But it seems we are losing our DS9 muses once more...Ziyal has been given up too...

Aww really? How come? Who would you rather play as Joran then?
Oh hey on that note want to hear something beyond disturbing? All night while I was working my brain was going into overdrive about how I could make a tale (AU obviously) that somehow lands Ezri in Joran's universe...I just have this mental image of him trying to seduce her and now I can't get rid of it...Help!!! @.@; *obviously watching too much POTO lately*

*howls* yeah the goatee is his saving grace but I found him over all too fluffy to be taken seriously! You know when I first saw LOTR I was all like what the hell? Theres no female elf that joins the fellowship?? Only to learn *turns crimson* That was no girl...-.-; yeah...

*Squees* I can't wait to get it!! Dammit why is it taking so long!! *wails*


Re: OOC agentrosecotton December 23 2005, 23:00:35 UTC
Yeah, I'm serious. I tend to fall in love with thin, dark-haired guys, for some reason. And they have to be smart. I've tried to make myself fall for the buff blond surfer type, but I just can't see it, for some reason. ::shrugs::

The two great loves angsty teenaged crushes of my life are both named Ryan; they're both tall, and thin, and wear black (one a trenchcoat, the other a leather jacket), and have dark hair and dark eyes and black wire-rimmed glasses, and they're both geeks, and they're both really sweet and soft-spoken and smile a lot. I'm not trying for this! Really! It just happened that way....

(Well, they're not angsty teenaged crushes any more, not really, since one is back in my hometown and I'll never see him again, and the other one has all gone and started to actually ::talk:: to me, which is great since he's a really nice guy, but totally dispels the 'mystery man' image and makes me completely unable to have an angsty teenaged crush on him! =D On the plus side, we regularly write college-essay-sized emails to one another--3000-4000 words at last count. And he's planning a road trip down here when he gets back, just to see me. But enough about that.)

Well, hey, we got a new Julian! Who is totally awesome! :D :D :D ::is ridiculously happy::

No, no, I'm not saying it's a bad idea. I'm just wondering if Damar would be able to handle it. o_o And would he want that? I mean, that's a bit of overload for his first Trill experience.

AUGH! Now you've gotten that image into MY head! WRITE IT! WRITE IT BEFORE THE PLOTBUNNY TEARS OUT MY BRAIN!!!1 O_O_O ::pokes you mercilessly until you give in and write it:: Maybe you could write a tale where she goes back in time, or maybe she goes to a parallel universe, or maybe it just happens in some meta-existential-Trillskill place. But seriously, you have to write that story now.

Okay, I'm going to admit to a very shameful secret.

The first time I saw Fellowship of the Ring, I poked my friend who was sitting next to me and said 'Legolas is really hot.'

Then I proceeded to buy posters of him, scratch his name into my desk, and write a Legolas 'Sue.

::frantically tries to explain:: But I was only twelve and I had only just read the books like once and I really was only twelve and you've got to admit that he does have elven grace and a really good wardrobe and I really seriously was only twelve and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! ::throws herself on the mercy of the fandom::

I was twelve!!! TWELVE! ::sobs::

Er. Holiday rush? But it will get there eventually! If it doesn't, I swear I'll stage a hostile takeover of the U.S. postal service and make courier delivery between Winnipeg and Tennessee top priority!


Re: OOC betareject December 24 2005, 06:10:45 UTC
*shudders* Oh man i'm so glad you're not into the blonde,blue eyed surfer jock dude I'd just cry!! At least the gothic types are mysterious and intriguing...;)

Dude these two chaps you're talking about totally sound hawt! I have this mental image of the actor who plays as Scarecrow in Batman Begins and i'm all drooly now *grabs towel* =D I hope things work out between you and this other Ryan fellow they sound like they are very nice!

*snerks* Ah he can take it!! *mun pokes muse who scowls and shakes head* er...well I imagine he'd rather be him then oen of the ladies...
*Muse sighs and rolls his eyes* Neither option sounds inviting...
*Muse grumbles*

O.O! Ah you're not supposed to encourage me to write it!! Damn I dont' even know where to begin...I just had this crazy ass mental image of Joran falling for her and it was all down hill from there too...So uh what's Joran like and how many lives away from Ezri was he again? I mean how many hosts between them? Oh and I need his approx age and appearance too *mun quickly adds hoping to stop poking of Rosie and the plotbunnies that are gnawing at her feet*

Well it certainly sounds less frightening then the Asajj/Vader tale that is lurking in my mind...*shudders*

*Howls* You're killing me here! You thought that Legolas was hawt!? Ah you were 12 how did you know? *snickers* hehehe glad it was you and not me i'd be so embaressed to admit it...Although then again you're talking to someone who finds Darth Maul and Masked Darth Vader to be hawt...

*Beams* Wicked! I'll join you in your war against the postal service! i want my letter!!! =D


Re: OOC ezri_tigan_dax December 24 2005, 08:17:48 UTC
Hee! Goth types.... There was this one guy, last year, who utterly baffled me. I knew him when I was eight, and he was about ten; he lived next door to us at the townhouses, which meant that there was just a wall separating us, and we used to hang out. His name was Sam. His mum babysat us when my little brother Chris (now eight himself) was born. And then I didn't see him for seven years. Then I went to school one day and there was this ridiculously hot guy sitting on the bench with my friend Derek. He was all long black hair and chains and metal music. And everyone's all "Yeah, Rose, this is Sam...." and I'm like "...okay, what the hell, and how did you get so hot while I wasn't looking?!" It was very, very strange. o_O

Hee! Well, Ryan fellow is hard to interpret. He came to see me at work in a suit, and then was all coming to our Lord of the Rings marathon, and inviting me out to go walking in the park, and going to Mr and Mrs Smith with me (which is why, for some reason, I mentally connect him with Angelina Jolie), and now he's writing me hugely long emails and being all sweet. The really, really weird thing is this: he and Nen know each other from three or four years back; and they dated briefly. O_O I mean, Nen doesn't mind, and they still get along quite well, but it's just this really damn' bizarre concept. Especially since I wasn't very nice to him then. (I was about thirteen and rather protective of my big sister.)

But I...could ramble on about this all day. So, uh, don't mind me.

I know he could take it, but I don't know if we want to do that to him! I'm sure you're both up to it, and it really would be terribly sexy, but it's not very nice. "Hey, Damar, can I borrow you for a bit so you can host a psycho murderer for me?"


Can you imagine julian_subatoi hosting Joran?

::dies of extreme hawt::

Um...Joran was two lifetimes ago. Right before Curzon. (Lela, Tobin, Emony, Audrid, Torias, Joran, Curzon, Jadzia, Ezri.) Which puts him at about eighty-ninety years ago. He was only joined for about six months. He would have been about mid-twenties, too. As for his appearance, Ezri and Jadzia both saw him differently, which makes sense. Jadzia saw him like this and Ezri saw him like this (or this--both are pretty bad pictures). We figure he must look like something in the middle, which is why Nen drew this.

Nen and I had a theory going. See, this happened right after 'Prodigal Daughter', when Ezri found out that Norvo had killed someone. But what's creepy is, if you look closely, Ezri's Joran looks like Norvo. Which actually makes sense; a part of me, who is capable of killing--she would see them as alike. I have no idea if the writers meant to do that, but I love how that came out. [/random]

I never admit my Legolas-lusting to anyone, but anybody who knew me back in the first days of my fandomness knows that I was madly in love with Legolas. ::is ashamed::

::storms the post office with MU!Ezri and MU!Damar, Siddig in leather, Angelina Jolie in Spandex, and Tarja Turunen in a red corset, and watches as the employees drool too much to offer resistance and we take over the place::

Heeeeeeey...I wonder if we could take over the world like this? :D


Re: OOC betareject December 24 2005, 09:20:09 UTC
*EG* Oh yeah I know what you mean!! nothing like seeing someone you haven't seen in forever and they went from geek to hawt dude *wistful sigh*

Oh really? You sister dated this chap? And now you two are kinda courting?? Wow my sisters should learn a lesson from you two LOL they've both dated each others ex's and good heavens *shudders* Never in my life have I ever seen such sibling wars...I'm talking broken furnature, fist fights, holes in walls...oiy! Thankfully one is getting married to my brothers best friend who is totally not her twins type...eesh! But hey she's cool with it and he sounds like a nice guy so I say good show! =D

*Dies* Yes!!! you MUST have Julian have Joran that would totally be inspiring for fanfic *dies* *pokes Julian's mun* comeon you know ya wanna!!

Oh hey and if Tobin is still free I think he'd be perfect for Damar. He doesn't drink? Which is very well suited all things considering and is an engineer! Although Damar will squawk about the veggie thing but oh well! Not to mention he met the famous Cardassian poet? *snerks* Damar will love that >;)

ooh! I like your theory way better then mine that totally makes far more sense! I thought it was because Jadzia was seeing him as a lost soul who needed rest so he appears gentle and docile while Ezri saw him as a murderer so he's conniving and sharp edgy looking. But I agree with Nen's assessment. He probably appears as a combination of the two. Though personally I prefer him in this appearance. Although with sharper features of course*drools* *ahem* yeah outside of having a fiendish temper what is he like? *Is beginning to plot storyline*

*Mun drools and happily is distracted by the hawties in leather at post office* Now that my kind of take over!! =P


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