OOC--HIIIIIII! *tacklesqueeglomp* I miss you already! The house seems so empty without you.... *sniffs* *clings to you* Welcome back to the land of 'Net access!
Don't mind if Ezri rambles a bit--she's feeling very anti-Trill these days. :)
Ezri looks a bit bitter. Of course no one criticizes the focus on Joining. They're so brainwashed by the sodding--
Ezri stops, catching herself, and smiles apologetically at Kasidy. I'm sorry. I don't mean to talk your ear off like I did to poor Damar. It's just....
When you meet someone like Beriani--someone young, and untainted by the overbearing philosophies of the Symbiosis Institute--you think of all the young people, their whole lives before them, who are raised on Trill. Almost from their birth, the idea is drummed into them--you must be Joined, you must be Joined, you must be Joined. Instead of going out into the universe and doing things and making a life for themselves, they spend their lives trying to reach this goal that their culture demands they attain; and when it finally hits them that it might not be possible, they....
Ezri's face is grave, and she's quietly very angry.
Well, some of them aren't gone. Some of them still have hope and life; and they realize that it's never too late to change your goals. But the rest of them see no other choice but to commit suicide.
I knew some of them, you know. There was a young man--a good friend of mine. We went into the Institute together. He was a good man, funny and witty and sweet. He often talked about Joining--it was one of his dreams.
Within a month, he failed to pass an exam--that's all it was, just an exam--and he killed himself.
She lowers her head, so Kasidy won't see her eyes filling with tears.
It's not fair, Kas. It's not fair, and it's not right. It shouldn't happen, damn it!
Ezri suddenly feels old and tired, the weight of three hundred years on her shoulders--and for an instant, she thinks again what she used to wish when she was just recently Joined; she wishes Jadzia had never been killed, and Dax had never been on the Destiny, and there had been another Trill on board, and that she was one of the forty percent that couldn't handle Joining--something, anything, to get this damned parasite out of her belly.
Her voice is bitterly sarcastic. Winds, I wish I was a Bolian.
Beriani, hearing the tail end of the conversation, decides to jump in.
Yeah, growing up on Earth certainly gives me a different perspective. Mum said that Joining wasn't really a big deal-the girls in our family haven't ever been ones for Joining anyway.
I can't believe your friend killed himself! Mum told me about-about things like this that happened at the Symbiosis Institute in her day, I just didn't know it was that bad...
Yes, but you can call me Beriani, or Beri if you'd like. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Yates.
She nods at the mention of her birth-planet.Uh-huh, I was born and raised in Australia. And DS9 isn't a bad place, just certainly different from what I'm used to, that's f'sure.
She breaks into a broad grin. As I understand it, you just spent a week or two on Bajor. How was it?
Australia's a nice part of Earth. One of my good friends lived there for a number of years, so I'd visit her there occasionally. *fond smile* I grew up mostly in North America, although I was born off-world.
*laughs* Yes, DS9 takes a bit of getting used to. But it's a good place, all things considered. Kira runs a good station. Is this your first posting since the Academy?
I was only on Bajor for a day or so--business in the capital, and then checking up on the house--but I'm actually moving down there in a couple of weeks. It's really a very lovely place--if you haven't been planetside yet, you should take the first opportunity and go.
But it's good to be back. :)
Looks slightly tired; has been having to be a public figure while meeting with the First Minister and Legate Damar, and is looking forward to just being herself again.
Beriani shakes her head. No, I was on the USS Vinland before this.
I've heard that I have to go visit Bajor from many sources-and you're moving down there! She shakes her head in disbelief. I have got insane good luck to be posted here, I swear...I already like the place and I've barely been here two days.
I've heard from a lot of Starfleet officers that being posted to a station is a lot different from being on a ship. Myself, I'm glad I get to do both--have a ship and be on the station, not be in Starfleet, that is.
You and Ezri will have to come down for a visit once I get moved in. Actually, she's overdue for a visit. *grins*
If I hadn't already given Jake a steady girlfriend, I'd be getting Beriani/Jake plotbunnies right now. (!)
I gots no problem with that...and she's also *harmlessly* ogling Julian...oh, what a mass of hormones I am...XD
Ooh, I'd love to go down to Bajor! Beriani swiftly regains her composure. Er, it's very different from the Vinland, but I like it. It's bigger. A pause. Much bigger. I can actually be alone here, not that fascimile of solitude that starships offer.
Hee...I have an OC Bajoran who occasionally appears in this RP, who lusts after has a crush on Julian as well. :D Might have her meet Beriani eventually--medical ensign.
We'll have to set up a time for you to come down. Maybe over dinner with Ezri?
I was waving to Kasidy!mun, y'know... :D But *waves* Hi to you too!
Ooh, by the way--Kasidy!mun's my sister, nenya_kanadka--did I tell you that?
Ezri jumps, and turns to look at Beriani. Oh, I...didn't know you were listening, I...I'm sorry, I was ranting. She smiles, a bit embarrassed.
I'm glad you had a mother who was so levelheaded! That makes one of us. You ought to introduce us--I have a feeling I'd get along well with her.
Ezri smiles wanly; she's gotten the worst of her ranting and anger out, and now she's simply sad. It...yes, it can be that bad. Not in every case...but in most. I think the circumstances were a little extreme in this case--I don't mean to convey the impression that the Institute encourages suicide left, right, and centre.
But still, it's....
Ezri looks at Beriani fondly, trying desperately not to seem motherly. She seems to completely change the subject; at first she seems serious, but then she starts to joke a bit.
I'm glad you're in Starfleet, you know.
The fleet needs more Trills. We're the only ones on the station, you know. I guess we'll have to bond together...call ourselves the Spots Brigade. ;)
So was I...O_o Ooh! And you didn't tell me! Forshame! Eh...I got a little cold this morning 'cos my gym teacher forced us to run outside in cold today, and then I got hit in the head by a basketball, so 'scuse me if I get weird. Er. Weirder. Yeah.
Beriani nods. It's okay-you weren't ranting. Not really, anyway. And I'm glad I'm in Starfleet too.
She pauses for a moment, a mischievous look on her face. The Spots Brigade, eh? Has a nice ring to it.
Oh. Okay. *blinks* Sorry I didn't tell you! o.o I guess I just assume everyone knows.
Yeah, I was going to say sort of the same thing; I was feeling angry and frustrated, because a bunch of stuff happened today (I'll talk about it in my personal journal), and I guess that came through in my Ezri!munning--I just went back and read it, and it seemed a little...forceful for the generally mild-mannered Ezri. And you're perfectly entitled to weirdness anytime you like. ;)
Ezri grins, her eyes twinkling. Well, *I* thought so. 'The Spots Brigade: Trill Power!'
Or maybe 'The Spots Brigade: Yes, They Go All The Way Down....'
Incidentally, have you met Kasidy yet? I think you two'll get along. :)
Gar, I hate livejournal RP...too confusing with the different threads. Great company though.
Beriani matches Ezri's grin. Trill power!
[OOC: Er, I don't know, *have* I met Kasidy yet? I'm talking to her in this thread, right? Oh, jeez, the non-linearness of this makes my brain hurt. But, that's half the fun!]
Oh don't worry, you'll get used to it. This way, very little gets lost--I like that. :)
Great company, I know--just you wait until Damar jumps into the fray! :D And I know how you feel, not liking Damar after seeing 'Sacrifice of Angels'--but this Damar is...well, he's different. For example, you ought to read this--it's a counselling session between him and Ezri (yeah, odd, I know!). He's very different from the man who killed Ziyal.
Re: Linear-ness: It basically works in real time; if you've said something in a conversation in the roleplay, you've said it everywhere. So yeah, you have met Kasidy. I think. :)
Trills are a wonderful race, you know. We're a little bloody-minded, but we'll get over it. Eventually. Ezri smiles a little sadly.
Don't mind if Ezri rambles a bit--she's feeling very anti-Trill these days. :)
Ezri looks a bit bitter. Of course no one criticizes the focus on Joining. They're so brainwashed by the sodding--
Ezri stops, catching herself, and smiles apologetically at Kasidy. I'm sorry. I don't mean to talk your ear off like I did to poor Damar. It's just....
When you meet someone like Beriani--someone young, and untainted by the overbearing philosophies of the Symbiosis Institute--you think of all the young people, their whole lives before them, who are raised on Trill. Almost from their birth, the idea is drummed into them--you must be Joined, you must be Joined, you must be Joined. Instead of going out into the universe and doing things and making a life for themselves, they spend their lives trying to reach this goal that their culture demands they attain; and when it finally hits them that it might not be possible, they....
Ezri's face is grave, and she's quietly very angry.
Well, some of them aren't gone. Some of them still have hope and life; and they realize that it's never too late to change your goals. But the rest of them see no other choice but to commit suicide.
I knew some of them, you know. There was a young man--a good friend of mine. We went into the Institute together. He was a good man, funny and witty and sweet. He often talked about Joining--it was one of his dreams.
Within a month, he failed to pass an exam--that's all it was, just an exam--and he killed himself.
She lowers her head, so Kasidy won't see her eyes filling with tears.
It's not fair, Kas. It's not fair, and it's not right. It shouldn't happen, damn it!
Ezri suddenly feels old and tired, the weight of three hundred years on her shoulders--and for an instant, she thinks again what she used to wish when she was just recently Joined; she wishes Jadzia had never been killed, and Dax had never been on the Destiny, and there had been another Trill on board, and that she was one of the forty percent that couldn't handle Joining--something, anything, to get this damned parasite out of her belly.
Her voice is bitterly sarcastic. Winds, I wish I was a Bolian.
Beriani, hearing the tail end of the conversation, decides to jump in.
Yeah, growing up on Earth certainly gives me a different perspective. Mum said that Joining wasn't really a big deal-the girls in our family haven't ever been ones for Joining anyway.
I can't believe your friend killed himself! Mum told me about-about things like this that happened at the Symbiosis Institute in her day, I just didn't know it was that bad...
You must be Lt. Edenost. How are you settling in to the Station?
Realizes she hasn't introduced herself.
I'm Kasidy Yates. Did you say you grew up on Earth?
Yes, but you can call me Beriani, or Beri if you'd like. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Yates.
She nods at the mention of her birth-planet.Uh-huh, I was born and raised in Australia. And DS9 isn't a bad place, just certainly different from what I'm used to, that's f'sure.
She breaks into a broad grin. As I understand it, you just spent a week or two on Bajor. How was it?
Australia's a nice part of Earth. One of my good friends lived there for a number of years, so I'd visit her there occasionally. *fond smile* I grew up mostly in North America, although I was born off-world.
*laughs* Yes, DS9 takes a bit of getting used to. But it's a good place, all things considered. Kira runs a good station. Is this your first posting since the Academy?
I was only on Bajor for a day or so--business in the capital, and then checking up on the house--but I'm actually moving down there in a couple of weeks. It's really a very lovely place--if you haven't been planetside yet, you should take the first opportunity and go.
But it's good to be back. :)
Looks slightly tired; has been having to be a public figure while meeting with the First Minister and Legate Damar, and is looking forward to just being herself again.
Beriani shakes her head. No, I was on the USS Vinland before this.
I've heard that I have to go visit Bajor from many sources-and you're moving down there! She shakes her head in disbelief. I have got insane good luck to be posted here, I swear...I already like the place and I've barely been here two days.
You and Ezri will have to come down for a visit once I get moved in. Actually, she's overdue for a visit. *grins*
If I hadn't already given Jake a steady girlfriend, I'd be getting Beriani/Jake plotbunnies right now. (!)
Ooh, I'd love to go down to Bajor! Beriani swiftly regains her composure. Er, it's very different from the Vinland, but I like it. It's bigger. A pause. Much bigger. I can actually be alone here, not that fascimile of solitude that starships offer.
We'll have to set up a time for you to come down. Maybe over dinner with Ezri?
Beriani grins. That'd be great!
Ooh, by the way--Kasidy!mun's my sister, nenya_kanadka--did I tell you that?
Ezri jumps, and turns to look at Beriani. Oh, I...didn't know you were listening, I...I'm sorry, I was ranting. She smiles, a bit embarrassed.
I'm glad you had a mother who was so levelheaded! That makes one of us. You ought to introduce us--I have a feeling I'd get along well with her.
Ezri smiles wanly; she's gotten the worst of her ranting and anger out, and now she's simply sad. It...yes, it can be that bad. Not in every case...but in most. I think the circumstances were a little extreme in this case--I don't mean to convey the impression that the Institute encourages suicide left, right, and centre.
But still, it's....
Ezri looks at Beriani fondly, trying desperately not to seem motherly. She seems to completely change the subject; at first she seems serious, but then she starts to joke a bit.
I'm glad you're in Starfleet, you know.
The fleet needs more Trills. We're the only ones on the station, you know. I guess we'll have to bond together...call ourselves the Spots Brigade. ;)
Beriani nods. It's okay-you weren't ranting. Not really, anyway. And I'm glad I'm in Starfleet too.
She pauses for a moment, a mischievous look on her face. The Spots Brigade, eh? Has a nice ring to it.
Yeah, I was going to say sort of the same thing; I was feeling angry and frustrated, because a bunch of stuff happened today (I'll talk about it in my personal journal), and I guess that came through in my Ezri!munning--I just went back and read it, and it seemed a little...forceful for the generally mild-mannered Ezri. And you're perfectly entitled to weirdness anytime you like. ;)
Ezri grins, her eyes twinkling. Well, *I* thought so. 'The Spots Brigade: Trill Power!'
Or maybe 'The Spots Brigade: Yes, They Go All The Way Down....'
Incidentally, have you met Kasidy yet? I think you two'll get along. :)
Beriani matches Ezri's grin. Trill power!
[OOC: Er, I don't know, *have* I met Kasidy yet? I'm talking to her in this thread, right? Oh, jeez, the non-linearness of this makes my brain hurt. But, that's half the fun!]
Great company, I know--just you wait until Damar jumps into the fray! :D And I know how you feel, not liking Damar after seeing 'Sacrifice of Angels'--but this Damar is...well, he's different. For example, you ought to read this--it's a counselling session between him and Ezri (yeah, odd, I know!). He's very different from the man who killed Ziyal.
Re: Linear-ness: It basically works in real time; if you've said something in a conversation in the roleplay, you've said it everywhere. So yeah, you have met Kasidy. I think. :)
Trills are a wonderful race, you know. We're a little bloody-minded, but we'll get over it. Eventually. Ezri smiles a little sadly.
Damar is cool. And Vic, too. *fangirls Vic*
Yeah, I hope so.
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