Jan 22, 2009 11:18
Woke up this morning around 7 with my still somewhat queasy stomach. Managed to happily fall back asleep, only to have somewhat a strange dream.
For one, I was living in a house-boat on the Thames River in England, with my siblings. There was a nice old couple next to us with a grandson about my age, who always seemed to be on our boat hitting on me. Anyways, there was some big religious book signing or something going on in an open space. I was up near the top of these steps leading to where this woman was signing all these books. Girl in front of me was upset as she had this case with the different books bound individually instead all together, the religious woman looked confused signing a box instead of a book. Then as everyone was leaving, walking away a bomb went off and everyone started running, I ended up in a church with a lot of other people has more bombs went off. Then as everything seemed to be over, I started trying to call my sister and brother but couldn't get through. So I started walking around what was a mix of London England, and London Ontario trying to find someway back to the house boat.
Didn't get back to the boat, cause the phone rang twice and woke me up. But it was strange, and I don't usually remember my dreams...
Anyways, thanks to our lovely GM, I have a 9 hour closing shift today, and I should start memorizing japanese kanji again and finish my Canadian history reading for next week.