Back to School Blues...

Jan 06, 2009 22:13

And its only Tuesday....

So, yesterday, got our tests back in Canadian History, 70%, finally got our essays back, not so good. It didn't get a mark, but apparently he liked it, and wanted me to go to the writing centre and have it looked at before placing a mark on it. So did that today, sadly didn't have a chance to speak with him, as Leighton always goes long, and I had to grab my stuff from the SAC before running to my next class. Tonight I'm going to make the corrections then take it to him in his office hours tomorrow. So that was mixed...

Literary Criticism seems really interesting, though its coming off as a philosophy course. I didn't care for how he spent 15mins of the class discussing how you didn't have to take his class, but others you could take instead, it seemed somewhat rude to me that we may be wasting his time. At least it isn't an essay course, just three tests and the final exam....

Japanese I'm still torn over, dropping it now, is going to come up as a fail anyways given the final drop date was back in November. Spoke briefly with one of the academic counsellors, who told me if my mark was that low, and I wanted out of the class, just to no longer go. Therefore, I really don't know what to do about it. As its add/drop week, you can't actually go in and talk with the counsellors, so I have to wait till next week to make an appointment, where I'll probably go talk to Kent, I really don't like Debbie and work something out. Either way, I just feel horrid about everything.

Overall, I had a horrid start to the term, and I'm trying not to let that carry over to this one. And no one seems to really be giving my any advice, and its getting very frustrating. I half wonder why bother and just go to college and be a sectary....


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