Jul 26, 2007 21:56
I haven't posted in about a week, I'm still no good at this whole journal thing it would seem. For one thing, I hardly know anyone on livejournal anymore so I'm feeling slightly even more unmotivated then normal.
Also this has been a less then great week, starting with my allergy attack last thursday that left me sneezing so hard and so often I went through an entire box of tissues, and that was after I decided trying to deal with the dripping was a lost cause and just decided to wear a crappy shirt it could drip onto. Possibly one of the most gross things I've ever done.
The following day my allergies were finally over, but I'd sneezed so much I could hardly move because my torso and neck were so sore from the constant sneezing of the night before. If I ever have an allergy attack like that again it will be too soon.
I'm trying to remember what else I've done, but nothing much has come to mind, had a short starwars game sunday at Dan's that was was fun, but I'm wanting to get back to the other game he's running.
Right now...I'm mostly just feeling kinda bored and lonely. Being a week night everyone has work in the morning, and being single means no one to have a standing date type thing going on with. The person closest to playing such a role with me is out on a date herself right now, so I get to wish her good luck, but be somewhat jealous at the same time.
I really am tired of this sleeping around, friends with benefits type thing. As much as I may not be in a place to handle it, I find myself really really wanting to do the highly cliche boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, I miss being in love. I don't miss the violence, fighting and anger I had last time I was in love though so thoughts of calling skinny hispanic doctors are right out the window. What I really need to do is get out and meet people more. Mind you, my biggest problem in life right now is getting out, meeting people, and accomplishing things on my own so that feels like something of a pipe dream.
The really good thing about this week is I finally acquired the new Reel Big Fish albums, and they continue to be just as awesome as I remember them being. It was kind of nice to rock out to new stuff by them, brought back memories of high school and hanging around with everyone after school at Erik's house. A time which I was once again single and always on the make, usually unsuccessfully.
I just got a call from Jake saying that I need to come drink and listen to 80's music, so I think I'll go do that and see if I can drag myself out of this funk a little, and try to post more tomorrow, maybe even put up pictures and acquire custom icons.