T. Traveller: Week Eight

Jun 05, 2014 06:56

The scandal that had caused the collapse of his marriage had, Trent had presumed, doomed his public career. Indeed, this seemed to be the case last week when he barely clinged to his assembly seat despite a lackluster opponent and a long record of accomplishment.

When the Revolution came, Trent presumed he’d simply be put out to pasture; perhaps redistricted out of a seat or worse. Instead, he was shocked when Governor Adams appointed him to the Supreme Court. The more Trent thought about it, it made sense. Trent was both older and vulnerable, which meant he could be counted on to toe the line, no matter his official party affiliation - indeed, his official resignation from the RDF left it with barely any presence in the newly-formed Regional Assembly and virtually bereft of experienced leaders.
He was also the only person in town with any semblance of legal training, albeit having come a lifetime ago and in a different jurisdiction, so his appointment (especially as Chief Justice) would mitigate the concerns on the lack of experience from the Court as a whole.

All-in-all, Trent was glad for the chances he had received in life. Personally, professionally, there were so many times his life could have gone off the rails and doomed him to the margins, but instead he has professional respect and a loving wife.

As for Sam, there was much less drama in her life. She was a competent teacher and enjoyed the work, which was all she could ask for (and desired) professionally. She maintained good relationships with all her children and even was cordial with Peter and Trisha (she was a big believer in letting bygones be bygones and sensible enough to know that none of them were really innocent in what had happened.)

Little Tamara was still young enough to know nothing of her parents’ past and barely knew her half-siblings (although some of their children, her nieces and nephews, technically, would be in school with her soon enough - would she ask to be called Auntie on the playground? She hadn’t decided.) If she hadn’t shared the beauty of her sister Tina, she was still quietly thankful she didn’t look like a full-on Ottomas.

week eight, traveller

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