Oct 10, 2005 21:49
this week/weekend was spectacular.
david surprised me on wednesday by showing up on my back porch. what a sweetie.
he picked katelyn and i up super late from forensics on thursday night. that competition was a joke. some people didn't even have forms.
on friday i went in late and worked on the float most of the afternoon, which was ruined by the rain. david, katelyn, amanda, allison, camilo, and i all went to stellas after school for david. we had fun. i miss hanging out with moo. then david and i went to homecoming where it was practically flooding, so we left early and rented closer, because he hadn't seen it yet. we watched it at his house. later we came back to my house and he slept over.
on saturday we got up late and went to panera bread. i love it there. we had bacon turkey bravo's that kicked ass. then we went to the mall and threw pennies really hard at the sand sculpture. we ended up taking pennies from the sand pit when we ran out. i wish i could throw a bowling ball at it. then we went to the dream to skate, which i haven't done in forever. david had never been, he only fell twice! it was so cute watching him. we held hands the whole time, because i didn't want him to get hurt. we played pool and the simpsons some. then we came home, showered, rented a lot like love, and went to his house. we didn't finish it there because.... well.... yeah. 0:-) so we came back to my house to finish watching it. i fell asleep in the middle and david carried me into my room and tucked me in. he is so good to me.
on sunday we hung out until he left at three. it felt like the first time all over. rah. i hate saying goodbye to him.
today is our one year anniversary. the best year of my life. he has done everything for me. i love him more than i can say. he makes everyday amazing. i'll never need anyone but him until the day i die. school was let out after first block. our potties didn't work. oh well. this was an awesome day already when i recieved a dozen roses from the greatest guy in the world. the card read: "a dozen roses, one for every amazing month that i've spent with you. Happy Anniversary Baby!!! Thank you so much for making this the best year of my life. You are the most amazing, beautiful, caring person i've ever met. I am so lucky baby. Thank you for continuing to make everyday i wake up incredible. I love you so much! David" i am so blessed to be loved by a guy who treats me like nothing short of a princess. our love is forever. we have been through so much and have just gotten that much stronger.
i love you babe.
yours always.