Random things

Nov 26, 2009 20:10

Arrow's heart

Shadowed souls join the fight
Turn them now against the light
Here we meet them straight and true
the line we hold with Bow of yew
Blood stains the battle field
Neither side will they yield
Bodies falling where they may
Stalwart Blade hold this day
Brace Shield against the blow
Watching war's ebb and flow
Elder brother at my back
No trust in you will I lack
Sliding shadow through the lines
Into place where our foe dines
Dagger hidden in the Cloak
Duty done before they woke
Round the tables will we boast
Served in kind by grateful host
Those who always hold the Hearth
Shall we not forget their worth
Blade and Bow strong and true
Hearth and Shield protecting you
Trust the Cloak to make them bleed
Proudly forward Arrow lead

Wild Song

Sing the song of clawed feet
Keeping time with heart's beat
Flying through the time of now
Never do they ask or worry How
Feathered brother scooping air
Flowing without Rhyme or care
Cautious sister on the ground
Through woods leap and bound
Round the fires big and proud
Let our voice be heard loud
Spirit Kin hear our Prayer
Join us in this feast so fair
feather fur or scale so rough
never will they get enough
Soul and song of Man and Beast
Singing till the sun from East

Shadowed Fate

Shadowed heart casting doubt
veils of past locked you out
Future's promise shining bright
Lines of triumph Bring to light

In their chest the lady's heart
With a whisper does it start
Over time Through fickle fate
Destiny's cadence Never late

Upon the Marbled floor they danse
Those who walk this dead manse
Through the years they have found
With their Song the Night unbound

Child of shadow child of fate
Turn your heart from death's gate
Your turn has come to live this life
Free from hatred strain and strife

Soldier's Name

Ever changing the Facet's light,
Five shades of Ever ready might
Drawn together through mutual pain
Four tried and true of Diamond Fame
Fifth point a Pentacle shall aspire
Ladder of silver to light the Fire
Guardians protect the veil from sight
Mysteries of the past brought to light
Arrows stand adamant against the tide
Council of freedom to challenge Pride
Despite the facet's light shown clear
A soldier's life is held so dear
Pentacle, Diamond or walking free
Their name should be for all to see
The path walked here so worn with Love
Angel’s children standing with those above
Daemon's burning Wit to keep Mind keen
Child of Wild ones so quick and lean
Lady luck's hands guide thorn's bite
Masters of death's forge slay the light
We came from many walks of life
Drawn together by war and strife
Through it all we stand as one
Though never will it all be done
We are soldiers yet we are more
Though our lives may be Lore
Our hearts beat on through sacred rights
Remember us on Dark and hallowed nights
With our love for you we gave our Flame
So you could grow to learn our Name

House Maid's Wail

Your mood is blue
and times are lean
please tell me true
if you were seen
without window open
the door stands wide
its small lock broken
are you inside?
the house maid cries
the law is stern
despite the lies
the truth they learn
The end stands near
Stout rope won't fail
no more shall hear
the house maid's wail
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