(no subject)

May 27, 2005 01:02

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
All are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world...

I am a Christian... nominally.

You can define what that means to you, as you like. Unfortunately, what that means to a lot of people is the following:

Closed-or narrow-minded
Unconcerned with those who suffer
Discriminatory towards those who do not meet the typical definition of "spiritual"
Teetotalling (ha!)

There are a great number of other descriptory terms I could use, but it's late and I'm tired and half drunk.

I'm not even going to go into the whole "son of God" thing. The theological arguments can be left to those more deeply entrenched than I. What being a Christian means to me is this:
*loving people for who they are, not WHAT they are
*making every attempt to disregard my instinctive judgements (however, I am still human... cut me some slack)
*showing people what love means... in its varied forms
*attempting to use whatever advantages I have to help those who are less fortunate than I
*working to bring people into the family of love, of acceptance, of not-too-many-organized-religions

I am deeply, ineffably offended by so-called Christians who judge others based on their theology, or their lifestyle, or the kind of neighborhood they live in, or the kind of car they drive. I think these people are going to hell. Granted, that is judgement on my part. I'm fucking human. Deal with it.

You will note that the bible doesn't appear anywhere in my criteria. Someday, when I'm more awake and considerably more sober, I shall attempt to enunciate why that is. At present, I'll leave it at... read this.

Oh, and read the Bible yourself. It would also be helpful to learn to think for yourself, but I know that's a tall order for a lot of Christians.

Ok, I think I've done enough in the service of pissing people off for one night. Bedtime for me.
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