
Sep 28, 2003 10:21

Mo is going to get his ass grounded.

I'm tired of his condescending, paternalistic attitude towards his brother, and his downright pain-in-the-ass attitude to US.

Lord High and Mighty walked out of his bedroom this morning, told his brother to get out of the chair, took the N64 controller from him, and proceeded to plunk his ass down and play until I came in and threatened to take the N64 from him completely.

Last weekend it was all about "MY room, not yours."

This is Sam's home too, and I told him that. I'm going to be having a talk with Son #1 this afternoon... this bullshit has GOT to stop.


In other news, we hauled two more carloads of stuff to Des Moines... it's really getting to the point of no return, clutter-wise. However, we DID find my wedding stuff and for that I am happy. We cleaned out the garage (meaning we sorted everything in it into "keep" or "get rid of" grouping) and Paul hauled two truckloads of stuff to the dump. Egad. There's no understanding in my mind as to how the HELL we ended up with all this stuff... even my pack rat tendencies can't possibly account for all THAT.

We still have a shitload (read: at least another small NON-U-HAUL truck full) of stuff to bring out here. Methinks we may end up renting a storage space *sigh*
In other good news, I found a whoooooole bunch of books that I was missing, books from childhood in particular. Not just mine but also the boys'. I also found my two baby books in which my biological father's name is written... and some bit of mystery was cleared up for me, finally. Seems I was born in Loveland, CO, and Mom was alone... at the age of 6 days she and I flew to Ontario, California to meet my "daddy". There was mention of my kicking and laughing when I would hear his motorcycle (evidently I liked 'em even back then) at the age of 6 weeks or so... and then nothing.


I've always thought he was there when I was born, evidently I was wrong. How the hell did she end up in Loveland, CO?!? *sigh* one mystery resolved and more questions brought up...It doesn't seem like she had friends in Loveland or anything, so what was she doing there? And my first toy was a pink squeezy cat that a lady (she calls her a negro in the baby book) in NEW JERSEY gave her for me... I mean, was I born? Was I with her? What the hell was she doing in New Jersey?! Did she just meet this lady at a bus stop or something? The hell of it is, I'll most likely never get the answers to these questions in this life, on this earth. Nobody seems to know much about my mom's life while she was away from Iowa, even her closest sister and her best friend. If I could only find HIM... but his name (Larry J. Hall, no idea what the "J" stands for) is so frigging common and I have very little to go on otherwise.

I wish I'd had the courage to really PUMP her for information before she died.


Where did all THAT come from? This was going to be a rant about teenage boys... or one teenage boy in particular.


I'm off to look at Paul's computer. Lunch today may, just may, be Wilton-purchased Iowa Chops...*gryn*

paul, morgan, bio dad, sam, mom, past

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