i had to cancel two of my massage clients yesterday which really sucked but one had a bad reaction to her flu shot and i can take no chances with making her worse moving all of her lymph around. the second, i yelled at her until she cried at work Saturday night and then when my boss said - hey you may want to lighten up - i sailed into him about it
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mom and i got back from the dr ourselves. he says it is neuropathy. fancy word for nerve damage, irreversible and permenant. similar to what peopel with diabetes get int heir legs. he has given her some meds (just what she needs, like i don't have enough to keep track of that she has to take :)
for the burning pain in her legs. she'll try it for 3 weeks then it is back again on the 12th of Dec. to have her reevaluated.
Aeon Flux - xbox game rules! can not wait to see the the movie, still skeptical though b/c i grew up on the Liquid TV shorts and 10 episodes of Peter Chung. i love the brain of that man!
students still plan on coming over maybe this saturday afternoon for a screening of hte 3 disc collector's set of Aeon Flux, i don't want to have to waste half the movie explaining background to you. this way you'll enjoy the movie :) check for updates and i'll call each of you to know exactly when. KW you and Linds are more than welcome to hang out too and watch (even though you are not ms anymore)
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