Aug 17, 2007 08:40
School was cancelled today because of power failure. That's the awesome thing about working at a school. You still get those random days off.
This was the first week back with the kids and I do want to say a little something about the kids I see everyday. These. Kids. Are. Awesome.
I remember middle school and I remember how mean kids were. Granted, there are mean kids at the school. However, there are some really sweet kids in there that I witness everyday extending a hand. They even started up a conversation about Daniel (the deaf & autistic boy I work with one on one). They asked what he hears, what that means to him, the things he likes, what is a cochlear implant, how does he know what things are happening, why do other kids laugh at him?
Why do other kids laugh at him? These particular kids are in the ED class (emotionally distureb). These kids come from torn families, from families that don't care, from abusive families. These kids could be the meanest of the mean to defend themselves. These kids could take all the anger they have had in their lives and play out on it in school. However, they decided not to do that and instead, turn their hate into love. They really care for each other. I just thought that was sweet =oD.
Anywho, here's something that Ashley tagged me on:
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your
middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged, you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
J: "Jessica Korin" was going to be my name when I was born. But my dad didn't like it. He wanted to name me something else--something that his ex- girlfriend wanted to name "their" kids. Mom wouldn't have that, so they setted on Amanda.
E: Exercise is something I really should do everyday. I've gained a good 25lbs since I moved to richmond and therefore have gained a bit of a gut. I bought gym clothes, and I've gone a few times. But it's really hard for me to keep that routine going.
A: I feel like I have way to many A's in my name. I had to do a similar thing to this during the first week back of school, before the kids were there. We were supposed to come up with something about ourselves for every letter in our first name. So, all my A's were "Anxious, Awesome, Adventurous"
N: Like Ashley, never have I ever felt drop dead georgous. Never have I ever felt super intelligent. Never have I ever felt like a comedian. Never have I ever felt like there's nothing in the world I can't achieve. However, I just tell myself I am who I am and never has anyone else ever been that.
I dunno, whoever else wants to do that, go ahead. =oP