Nov 06, 2006 20:18
Bold What Applies
I have an attitude problem
I hate repetitive surveys
I dig (some) 80s music
I'm feeling kind of lonely right now
Donnie Darko is overrated
I have a shell necklace
Cats are my favourite animal
I've made out with more than one of my guy friends
My mother had me when she was too young
I haven't brushed my teeth yet today
I love lollipops
I hate chewing gum
I once ate takeaway food three nights in a row (it was actually like, 2 meals in one day and one in the next, does that count?)
Will Ferrell is hilarious (except for the times when he...isn't)
I don't think hats suit me
I wear alicebands (should I know what these are? Because I don't)
I have heard of the band Tears For Fears (There are people who haven't?)
I don't drive and I’m not sure if I ever will (I'm working on it I swear! I'm just so busy!)
I'd rather be driven than drive myself
My job consists of sitting around on my arse all day
Oh no, the sun is out
I miss last summer (last summer was kind of boring. I worked, I worked, I worked some more. But it still was easier than University!)
The good memories of my past make me want to cry
I HATE Star Wars
Angelina Jolie was a great actress in Girl, Interrupted (sadly, I have never seen Girl, Interrupted)
I know where Shakespeare was born in England
I'm not interested in Shakespeare or any of his plays
(Heck yes) I am.
The term 'whatever' is used when the person doesn't have anything better to say (or, when said person is rude and doesn't care about what you are saying)
Zebra print is so effing tacky
Girls who look anorexic, now that is repulsive
If you were to give me £200 right now, I’d go right out and spend it all
I want to go to Madame Tussaud’s wax museum (should I know what this is? Because I don't).
I don't know much about my country's history (how about I have had my country's history SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT).
I wear earrings everyday
I had a very disturbing dream last night (actually I had a really good dream last night, I owned a Tennessee Walking Horse and was riding it out at my grandma's lake lot)
I can't watch animals eating other animals on wildlife TV, it makes me so sad
I love to read True Crime
I would find it hilariously funny if President Bush tripped over his own two feet and fell off a cliff (wow, that's just, bitchy. And morbid).
I wish Tony Blair was our president and not England’s prime minister, he's a nice guy
I live in America and do not have an American accent
I can fake a Scottish accent
Some music moves me to tears (it's more like, some music gives me chills)
I have read the book 'Jane Eyre' (YAY!)
I love Borders Bookstore... they have everything
I'd love to work there
I HAVE worked there
I have never purchased anything from starbucks
I can sing opera
I have seen a picture of my parents on their wedding day
My parents never married
Sometimes I wonder if I was adopted
I strongly believe in reincarnation
The celebrity I’d most love to meet is dead
I find Joaquin Phoenix highly sexilicious
Is sexilicious a word?
I call people 'fools' a lot " (mmhmm, and "Lady" if I am telling a story about someone who really annoyed me as in "and I was like 'Lady, you are too dumb to own a computer'")
People in motorized wheelchairs make me laugh
I have been caught singing into my hairbrush
When I’m embarrassed I turn bright red
I don't blush
I'm not squeamish at the sight of blood (or else I would never be able to be a vet now, would I?)
Guys who smell good really turn me on (OH DO THEY EVER).
If I don't get my own way I kick up a fuss (I'm more of the complain after the fact type).
One of my favourite actors is Jim Carrey
Kate Winslet is the perfect example of an English Rose
I seriously think Sarah Jessica Parker is one of the ugliest female actresses out there
I enjoy taking walks by myself in the summer (I enjoy taking walks by myself anytime, it's realxing. Although by "by myself" I mean "myself and the dog")
One of my pets recently died
I want to marry a fat old man with loads of cash (yes, that's exactly it! How did you know?)
I'm afraid of all animals with hooves
I'm dead interested in the supernatural
My mother is such a gossip (sometimes, I don't want to tell her things because I'm worried she'll bring it up with her teacher-friends, and then some of them are the mom's of friends of mine who I KNOW would gossip and then, it's just an ugly cycle).
I am very exhausted
I have dusted my bedroom recently AHAHAHAHAHA
When I was little, I was afraid of skeletons (no, but I was afraid of ghosts!)
I have a very morbid fascination with the dead
I also have a xanga for icons
I only own heeled shoes
I always moisturize before applying foundation/make up (I should really do this more often...)
Wouldn't it be great if the moon really WAS made of cheese?
I'd climb mount everest for a million dollars (Sweet! Instead of having to pay $50,000? You bet I would!)
I love my dad
I have a cute little kitten (No, but I take care of several cute little kittens at the animal shelter).
The curtains are closed in the room I am in (my neighbours can totally look into my window at any given moment, so my curtains are usually closed, otherwise I forget to close them while I am changing....)
I have candles I never light
My bestfriend lives in another country than me
I'm afraid of sharks
I use my digital camera practically daily
I need to do my laundry
I got new clothes yesterday
I need to buy new make up
I don't have a signature (studies have shown that it is actually easier to forge a "signature" than it is to forge a handwritten name. It's true!)
I still watch Nickelodeon
Jockers really piss me off
Cheerios are so overrated
My bed is broken (no, but it is very small! But I might be getting a new one!)
I need to touch up my roots
I have a foot fetish
Sometimes I think I want a baby
I have a weird obsession with glitter
I am NOT listening to music right now
Britney Spears looks rather ugly these days
I blow dry my hair (usually, I can't sleep when it's wet, and to leave it to sair dry...ugh.)
I didn't sleep well last night
Original survey sites are the best
I say 'man' after everything (I should really stop)
People are always telling me to smile or cheer up and it gets on my nerves (people are not always telling me this, but it does annoy me when it happens "look, I can't be miss happy-go-lucky ALL THE TIME, OKAY?)
I have a high pitched voice
I'd love a duck for a pet
I'd probably end up eating it, sorry
Nighttime is beautiful
I've never seen a sunset
I type slowly
I have paint shop pro
I have a BEBO profile
I suck at everything
I have heard Metallica's 'The Black Album'
I try to subscribe to all the new survey sites
I feel sick...blurgh
Getting band adds on myspace really makes me mad
My sex life is non existent (sadly this is not even a exageration).
I have heard of the singer Will Young
My parents dig Elton John
I don't think he's too bad either
I smell food
I admit it, I jock surveys sometimes
I play in the sand
I said I love you today and meant it
I said it and didn't mean it
My hair is greasy (I went to the gym, okay?)
I have heard of the band MacBeth
I have seen Igby Goes Down
I need to vacuum (vac...uum? What is this vacuum you speak of?)
I don't have many friends, but thats ok, really (because the ones I've got are the bestest ever!)
Barbeques = yay!
James Blunt whines like a little schoolboy
Lindsay Lohan looked hotter with red hair and CURVES
Ashley Olsen is prettier than Mary Kate (aren't they...twins? And isn't one a crack addict, or someting?)
It's my boyfriends birthday soon
I hate hot weather, I feel all sticky
I hate cold weather, I feel all shivery
And, I was going to do and update, but it'll have to wait until after tomorrow, which is MY LAST MIDTERM YAY.