Jun 26, 2005 17:39
So bored! I baby sat last nite which was pretty fun, considering I watched 2 kids and 1 of them wouldnt stop yelling! Ok I am officially never having kids! lol I spend way too much time with them to want any of my own! But we'll see how I feel in about...2 years! lol yea rite! Well I went on a date Friday night after work. *JOy, im sorry! I forgot to tell you!* We went to see a movie. It was sOoOo funny!! It was ummm...the Longest Yard! Well I already saw it before with some other friends but he said he really wanted to see it so we went! He works where I work which is kinda funny, and hes 17 and hes really nice but I dont know if it will work out. He gives off this wierd vibe...JOY! And we have known each other for a while I guess but we really havent started talking, (or should I say flirting), til this year. In my opinion hes not that cute...to me hes more like a teddy bear cute! Not like Dennis cute! lol He just listens to me and when he listens it feels like hes really paying attention...not just smiling and nodding his head like I usually do! lol But I dont know if hes "Mr.Right" or "Mr.Right now"! But you all know im not like that! I just want someone to care for me even tho I dont need a guy to be happy! All I need to be happy is cash in my hand, Joy by my side and a ride to the Mall! But he SEEMS to like me so until further I guess thats that! Byez!