
Jan 17, 2007 17:12

As I was leaving for work yesterday morning, I had a close encounter of the avian kind. Having shuffled groggily along the Crackhouse porch, I was about to descend the stairs -- but was brought up short by the sight of a large bird on the horizontal handrail of the landing (only 9 steps down from the porch).

It was a bird of prey, though I couldn't tell what kind. My sudden appearance above it must have startled the bird, because right away it took flight in a flurry of browns and greys. It alit on the branch of a tree in the yard behind our parking lot.

I know red-tailed hawks are pretty common around here, but this one seemed a bit smaller (and more grey) than others I've seen. Of course, that could just mean it was a female. Sadly, I was already running late for work and could not stay and study the bird.

Maybe I'll meet it again.


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