extra_echizen's LJ stalker is borntokickass!borntokickass is stalking you because they have you confused with someone else whom they love. They are also not very liked around here!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom
Go-Quiz.com I mean I'd act surprised. But I think we all knew that anyway. Heh.
Kaidoh came round today, it was really to see Chibisuke. But then Ryoma got all huffy and stormed off, so I Ryoga, being the gracious host that I am, had to keep him company. Not that I minded all that much, Kaidoh is pretty cool, but this is just so you all know, not everyone in the Echizen family is as rude as Ryoma. He's really mad at me now though, and I don't really know why. What did he want me to do, leave his guest all on his own? Che.
Then I went to the store to buy some milk. It struck me on the way how cold it's gotten recently, what with it being nearly winter an all. Cold enough for a jacket anyway. I saw a guy wearing mittens, but he looked pretty dumb because it's not anywhere near that cold yet. But it also got me thinking. Would he have looked so dumb if he had had my charms and rougish good looks? I concluded probably not. Ergo, I shall be investing in some mittens come winter time. Although, you know, my birthday is around then, and Atobe did ask what I wanted...