Tutorial #2

Aug 19, 2005 00:36

Another tutorial meant for PS7, possibly non transferable to PSP.
Go from

1. Get your base and sharpen it (Filter>>Sharpen>>Sharpen):

2. Duplicate the base and set it to Soft Light.

3. Go back to your base and desaturate it (ctrl+shift+u).

4. Duplicate the base and bring it to the top. Set to screen.

5. Duplicate the screen layer (this step isn't always necessary.)

6. Gradient set to Linear light 70% opacity.

7. Duplicate the screen layer again, set it to soft light and bring it to the top. Now make sure your color palette is set to default colors.

Go to Filter >> Sketch >> Chalk & Charcoal and for this picture I set it to 20, 20, 5 to get a dark look.


8. Exclusion layer color #0C0C30

9. (Now the next few steps might make things look weird but just get through all the gradients and the image should even out.) Gradient set to Soft light 70% opacity

10. Gradient set to Linear light 50% opacity

11. Gradient set to Soft light 100% opacity

12. Gradient set to Linear light 70% opacity

13. Gradient set to Lighten 50% opacity

14. Gradient set to Soft light 100% opacity

15. Gradient set to Screen 100% opacity


16. Light texture set to Linear Burn 50% opacity


17. Go back to the second layer (it should be a colored soft light layer) duplicate it and move it to the top. Keep it set to soft light, change the opacity to 50%.

18. Take this brush, set it to Screen 35% opacity.

19. Duplicate the soft light layer, bring it to the top and set the opacity to 100%. Now go to Filter >> Brush Strokes >> Crosshatch and I use the settings of 25, 6, 1.


20. Duplicate the soft light layer (from step 17) and bring it to the top. Desaturate it and set the opacity to 100%.

21. Duplicate that layer one more time, set it to Hard Light 50% opacity.

22. Time to add text. I'm using a font called Kozuka Gothic Pro (although any sans serif font will work, like Tahoma or Franklin Gothic) at 3 pt in color #5E474D. I set the tracking to 1000 but for more room between the letters I added a space after each letter. Then rotate the text 90 degrees.

23. Now I want to add something of a border. Make a new layer and place this brush in white at the bottom of the icon.
Then set the layer to Soft light. To add the border on the side, make another new layer and place the brush again but rotate it 90 degrees and set it to Soft light as well.

24. Since I wanted the borders more prominent, I duplicated both border layers and only set the side border opacity down to 35%. And that's it.


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