the rattling of drawers

Oct 04, 2007 08:59

Phooey. Do you think Annoia, goddess of Things Getting Stuck In Drawers, is also patroness of Appliances Which Won't Work Unless The Technician Is Present? If so, I need to make appropriate sacrifices to appease her. Darned washing machine stopped mid-cycle the other day, refused to work in any combination of button-pushing or fiddling, but worked perfectly first go when the technician performed exactly the same routine a day later. On the upside, we have a working washing machine, which is useful given the current total absence of either a working dishwasher or a nice charlady. On the downside, I feel silly, although it's perfectly possible that such a feeling is as a hymn to Annoia.

And, while we're on the subject, I may have to nail my own feet to the floor in a desperate attempt to stop myself from going forth (around 11ish) and buying the new Pratchett in hardback. It's a sequel to Going Postal, which is current hot contender for my favourite Pratchett of all time. While its title may be inspirational in my current career tangle, it's also ironic: I'm not making money, and can't really afford to buy it. Not that that'll stop me. Sigh. Maybe I'll pop into Claremont and see if they have it before I go to the gym...

(Dammit, this mouse cursor is still scuttling slowly across the screen, like a particularly nonchalant cockroach, if I leave it unattended. Rather creepy).

Further dispatches in the Department of OMG!Squee!!1!, a marriage made in heaven. Guillermo del Toro may be making Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness. It's such a fey, weird, chilling piece of writing, quite my favourite Lovecraft, and if you average out Hellboy and Labyrinth of the Faun to achieve the correct balance of cheesy and fantastical, he is quite possibly the only director I can imagine doing any justice to it at all.

Also, new Wallace and Grommit planned. This time with dough, which is practically inevitable given the medium. Am happy.

Also, I found Neil Gaiman's description of mutual fanboying with John Simm rather endearing. Memo to self: must watch Life On Mars before the jo explodes.

pratchettation, fantasy, books, ia! ia!, films

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