
Oct 03, 2007 07:33

I have to say thank-you to everyone for the expressions of sympathy over Fishie. I've very much appreciated it.

I'm more or less buried in marking at the moment. The latest batch was Lewis Carroll, which has led to an interestingly irreverent comparison. In Looking Glass Alice has to help Tweedledum and Tweedledee prepare for their battle:
...the two brothers ... returned in a moment with their arms full of things - such as bolsters, blankets, hearth-rugs, tablecloths, dish-covers and coal-scuttles. "I hope you're a good hand at pinning and tying things?" Tweedledum remarked. "Every one of these things has to go on, somehow or other."
Alice said afterwards she had never seen such a fuss made about anything in her life - the way those two bustled about - and the quantity of things they put on - and the trouble they gave her in tying strings and fastening buttons - "Really they'll be more like bundles of old clothes than anything else, by the time they're ready!" she said to herself...
I am reminded of nothing so much as SCA heavy fighting.

Department of Random Linkery: Stephen Fry blogs! Recking not the common ways of bloggery, he writes extended essays, beautifully and humanly, a persona both intelligent and empathetic. His latest one on fame is interesting: one has to like a celebrity who's aware of "how much courage it takes for a member of the public to approach a famous person".

Last Night I Dreamed: another of those mad fantasy quests, this time a sort of computer-game scenario in which I was hunting treasure with the aid of a magic sword/torch thingy whose beam revealed enchanted items. I ended up rescuing an imprisoned thunder god from a cellar beneath a shack inhabited by thieves. While I fled with the god my allies blew up the shack, causing a giant fireball that sent tongues of flame to chase us across the countryside. Fortunately the god could summon water, and we survived.

The night before there were huge caverns in a mountain, inhabited by goblins and their slaves, from whom I had to escape. I suspect this may all be about the Horrible Pile of Marking...

linkery, dreams, sca

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