Nov 05, 2014 14:33
out one week
in another week (out of my mind)
waiting as time speeds up and i slow down or i speed up and time slows down.
wish i want wish it
believe it
achieve it
definitely trying to find a way, a way to get to freedom.
or its' lie
i don't care if it's the real thing, baby so long as i can call it mine.
i donno how many more times i can take
a compliment to the head.
a maniacal ego inflated head
i can't concentrate there are voices around me coming from people not from inside my head.
(will this person just shut the fuck up for o n e second?)
so yeah again homeless
i mark another overdose on my person transcript in the school of Success!: Fail.
i swear there is a tumor
somewhere in here, i keep rummaging through my minds garbage e-mail spam mail box.
get out what you put in
(can't you smell that sweat in the air...that medicinal hallucinogenic taste of 'freeze, danger,
red hornets, spiders, walking trees)
i can't go on like this, i can't block this person across from me in this classroom taskroom whatever room
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