This post has a case of whiplash! But I think both of these things are worth sharing, so here we go.
A Very Modern Military Partnership - An adorable article about a Lance Corporal in the British Army who married his boyfriend with the full support and witness of his fellow soldiers. The reception was held in a regimental barracks. The whole thing put hearts in my eyes. Make sure to check out the pictures - they're so cute! Anytime anyone talks about how repealing DADT would cause chaos and tension, I want to whip out this article and be like IN YOUR FUCKING FACE, DUMBASS. ...ahem. They're so cute! >.>
On the flip side of the coin (i.e. America...), while not the same issue, still something deeply horrifying:
When the Army uses 'Enhanced Interrogation' on an American Soldier - A truly heartrending short piece about a very upsetting practice. Some soldiers, when they receive a serious injury in combat, are forced to agree to a discharge claiming they had "personality disorder" (wtf is that?), a pre-existing condition that is the cause of all their problems, and therefore the Army has no obligation to give them medical support or any other support for the rest of their lives.
The sheer gall of this bald-faced lie is simply shocking and appalling. No person with a brain in their skull would ever believe it for any of these poor soldiers, and yet it's happening, to thousands upon thousands of young men and women. They are discarded by the government they served for, that they gave their physical well-being for. I just - it makes me want to SCREAM. First we have this totally unjustified war, and then we have all these soldiers, many of whom just wanted to do what was right, who are falling victim and suffering for the rest of their lives. It's a travesty. Veterans should be treated with the utmost respect, not like so much garbage. It's a ringing condemnation of our society - even beyond this specific instance, veterans are given no social support. Right now, with all the negative opinions about the war itself, that anger is misplaced onto the soldiers themselves.
I obviously can't help but think about GenKill when I read about stuff like this. Think about this happening to sweet little Walt, or about Doc Bryan receiving the order to diagnose one of his men with "personality disorder" just so no one has to spend the money. It hurts my heart.