Glee 1x14 Hell-o

Apr 14, 2010 08:49

Oh Glee.

Let's start with the awesome, which is YAY THEY'RE BACK SINGING TO MEEEE. Such amazing song choices! When Lea bust out into Gives You Hell I was SO DELIGHTED. Her voice is so wonderfully versatile, and my enormous crush on Lea continues unabated. Even Cory put out a great piece - it sounds like he's been training, and they're finally letting him sing in his range, so it sounded good! Hello Goodbye at the end was sweet but not overwhelmingly awesome - I would have been more affected if it hadn't been in all the promos, because man, I LOVE that song! But the faaavorite, of course, is LEA AND JGROFF SINGING LIONEL RICHIE UNFFFFFF. Their voices complement each other SO WELL, and it was delightful to see Lea finally meet her talent match. It's so clear that they've worked together for ages - there's such an easy chemistry there.

Which is why it fucking sucks that his character is already an asshole. I mean, who didn't see that coming, but I was hoping I would get pleasantly surprised!

I should know by now not to expect that from Glee. What I got from last night is this: people are SHITTY to each other. People are selfish and stupid and cruel. When Finn AVOIDED GIVING ARTIE A HIGH FIVE, i was so shocked I just gaped. Is Artie still "uncool" just because he's in a wheelchair? He has proved himself to be by far one of the coolest members of Glee, yet Finn's being a shit to him? Whatever, tiny moment, but it was so horrifying. Ugh. Then let's not even talk about Will cheating on Emma at the drop of a hat. I dont care if he stopped, he was still making out with that woman super enthusiastically. (Aside: IDINA MENZEL IS AWESOME.) Will's response to the fact that Emma is a virgin was SO AWFUL. He looked almost disgusted! WHAT AN ASSHOLE. Like - seriously?!??? I thought maybe dating the sweetest person on earth would help him be slightly less assholeish for a little while, buuuuut no. Instead she just gets the blunt force of it. Gross.

Don't even make me talk about the club of old maids - obviously being fat is shorthand for ugly and unwanted. Sue's underhanded tricks always make me vaguely nauseous, but that was one of the worst. I do find it kind of pitifully hilarious how people try to insult Rachel for her looks, because they have to make up the most ludicrous things - boyhips? Hahaha. Because, um, hello, you cast a STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS WOMAN to play this supposed reject. If it wasn't so funny, I'd cry.

I really wished by this point they would have found a balance where people screw up but they're ultimately decent human beings. Instead, we get whammied with cynicism every damn week. This show HATES HAPPINESS, which is pretty ironic, obvs. Eh.

I ain't gonna stop watching, because the music is like CRACK, but I still register my complaints. Which have been there right from the start.

Now off to rewatch the musical numbers. GLEE I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU.


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