Go ahead and label me, it doesn't mean anything

Oct 18, 2009 12:37

You guys, I love my baby band. *______*

(Background: Drive A are a new band out of LA, and I've been listening to them nonstop for 2 months. I've also been following Jason Nott, the guitarist, on Twitter and we've chatted a couple times.)

First of all, the show was fucking awesome. Drive A are super tight live, and full of energy, and of course I love the songs. Bruno's a great live singer, and the whole band just sounds really put together. Which is extremely impressive considering they just got their drummer 2 months ago and their bassist 2 WEEKS ago. Jason just rocks the fuck out on his guitar and I love him sooo much. <3___<3 He also does the backup vocals and he's really good!! The setlist is made of win, because they have one album and I love the whole damn thing, obvs. :D OH AND, during one song, Bruno JUMPED INTO THE CROWD AND STARTED A CIRCLE PIT. WHILE STILL SINGING. Heeee CRAZY MAN, oh my god. I love them so much.

During the second opener, I kept wandering downstairs by the merch to see if the guys would be around, but they weren't, sad. But they were out there after The Used! They had a good number of people wandering around asking for autographs and photos, but they weren't swamped. I walked up to Jason and said "Jason? Hey, we've Tweeted a few times?" and he went "Oh yeah, hey!" Hee! I am his only Twitter stalker, good to know! :P So I told him my real name and that I LOVED the show and he was so sweet and friendly and happy that I liked it. He kept getting pulled away for photos but he also kept coming back to chat with me, and ughhhh I am so fucking charmed. Then I met the rest of the band - Cody, the drummer, is extremely hot and seems like just a chill, cool dude. Taylor is the BRAND NEW bassist - he's one lovely tall drink of water, om nom. He's also quite funny and fun to talk to. :D Bruno is a bit more reserved and too cool for school, but also nice and I will forgive him because he is an awesome frontman.

So I grilled them a bit about various things, because as a fan I obviously need to be informed! This is what I discovered. They only put out their record in May, after getting a record deal in March. They got the deal after they had already basically finished the album, which I think is pretty sweet. Jason and Bruno have been in the band for three years, and it sounds like they've rotated through a few drummers and bassists, but they said they've finally got a lineup together where "everyone gets along", which we all agreed was very important. :P I'm glad they're happy with Taylor, because *I* am definitely happy with him - he can stay. :D So I asked Taylor about himself and apparently the dude DROPPED OUT OF COLLEGE when these guys asked him to be in their band. They flew him from Milwaukee to LA! He is beyond thrilled, understandably, and it's super adorable. Before I remembered he was the new bassist, I said "I loved the album!" and he was like "Thanks, I had nothing to do with that!" Ahahaha *draws hearts* He can totally stay.

I told them that the only song I was sad they didn't play was Single File, and Jason was like yeah, we wanted to play that! But we haven't played it live before. Next time though! So YAY. \o/ Ummm lessee what else. Oh, uh, JASON IS NINETEEN. Lolll what. BABY. And I just checked the other ages on myspace - Taylor is 18, Bruno SEVENTEEN, and as I thought Cody is a bit older at 20. But still not drinking age, hee! Seriously, my baby band, ugh. <3333

They were just really really sweet to me in general. I was hanging out chatting as other people were coming up for autographs and photos, and I was waiting to get my photo but other people kept jumping in, so Jason was like "She's next!" and trying to get the other guys organized for me. I am just so fond of his faaaace.

I asked about new music, not realizing that the album was super new, so they said obviously they're focusing on touring, and that they might be back here in a couple months (!!! YAY) and they might do a small club tour (!!!!!!! YAYAYAY) so I am SUPER STOKED for that. I would follow them around for a week, seriously.

So I obviously bought a t-shirt ($10 for an adorable pink girl-cut one, yay!) and I had all of them sign it!

Jason actually wrote his name legibly, first and last, while Taylor wrote just his first name, Bruno scribbled a B with a squiggle line (upside down!), and Cody… I don't even KNOW what Cody's is, heeee.

And I got a photo with them, in which we had to squish - I am so very okay with this. :D

Let me introduce you to Drive A!

Left to right: Taylor who always makes ridic faces in photos, Jason looking at the wrong camera <3333, Cody being GORGEOUS, and Bruno being too cool to smile. UGH I LOVE THEMMMM. Also, you can see that my purse was falling off my shoulder, and JASON HELD IT UP. HEEE WHAT. The hearts in my eyes are truly enormous.

As for video evidence of their awesome, well, the Fillmore is a DICK because it has a STILL PHOTOS ONLY POLICY, what the shit is that. I recorded 3 minutes of the first song before I got shut down. :( :( :( But it's a good video, and you can see them rocking out and being fucking badasses and I love them. ♥___♥

image Click to view

I know some other band might have played, maybe, you know, The Used or some little band like that, but I'll post about that later. :) I just wanted to flail about my new baby band, whom I adore WITH ALL OF MY LITTLE HEART. Suffice to say I had a fucking awesome time, and it was so cool to have candidlily and angel726 with me, and I am a happy happy camper. :D

Oh and LISTEN TO DRIVE A!!!! Their album is only $7 on iTunes! myspace.com/drivea and youtube.com/drivearocks ! GO GO GO! :D

concert reports, concerts, fangirls, rl, fall 09, bandom - drive a

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