And silently gets harder to ignore

Aug 23, 2009 23:33

I ran a mile almost without stopping today! In ten minutes! Obviously not that great, but it's a huge improvement for me. I even ran a good portion of the mile on the way back too. Noticeable progress, yay!

I've been working my way through my Watchmen Director's Cut DVD. I sat down intending to just watch parts, but I never want to skip anything (except Nixon being a HUGE DOUCHNOZZLE with a ludicrously fake nose, lolz) so I've just been watching the whole thing. I realized that I know the movie so well that I completely notice even when there's just one line added to a scene. I REALLY like the extended first Watchmen meeting scene. Some adorable Daniel/Rorschach stuff there, and more of the Comedian being a hot asshole. Yum JDM, freaking yum. I also think Laurie's a stronger character with the stuff they've added. I just wish they added more Adrian stuff. :(

I've really got the itch to vid this movie. I've been wanting to vid for a while, but there isn't a source I'm particularly driven by. When I vid, I need to know the source intimately, scene by scene, shot by shot, so I can vid it mentally and then go find the pieces. That was totally true of Supernatural S2 and Buffy's Faith storyline, but there's no canon I know so well now. But Watchmen I definitely do, and a movie's totally manageable, AND it's incredibly visual and simply fraught with themes, so it's a great candidate. I'm going through my iTunes library for inspiration - it's a bit tough going. If you've got any ideas, let me know!

So after my brief love affair with the idea of getting a new Camaro, I have come to my senses (reluctantly) and chosen a much more practical and reasonable choice that's still a hell of a lot of fun. I present to you: the 2010 Mazda 3s Sport!

The new design is completely sexy and sleek and fun. And all the reviews say that the 3 is a joy to drive, that being a main goal of Mazda's designers. Great handling, a sporty get up and go engine with decent hp, improved aerodynamics. But it's also a sedan, so there's good seating and cargo room. It's a good balance for me. 95% of the time, my driving is just me, so having a station wagon feels so silly. This seems like an adorable and fun little car for zipping around by myself, but flexible enough to be used in other ways too. And it's completely affordable! The base model is only $15k, but the one I've got my eye on, the sportier model, runs about $19.5k.

Basically, I waaaaants! :D I'm planning on going to a local dealer and test driving it soon to make sure I really like it. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it in about a year or so!

I am SO GIDDY about getting to choose a car for myself, you guys. Soooo giddy. *beams*

OH! Super fun thing! Remember that band I've been rambling about, Drive A? (I still love the album! It's great running music too.) Well, I Tweeted the guitarist to say I love their album and can't wait to see them, and he replied! So I replied, and he replied again! Totally innocuous conversation, but it still made me giddy, hee. This is what he said:

&hisface;! I hope I get to meet them after the concert!

I have been so spammy lately. I'm sorry. :(

vidding, watchmen, cars, rl, summer 09, bandom - drive a

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