Goin down goin down goin all the way down

Aug 22, 2009 13:23


Someone made a post on theused about this band that's opening for The Used on their tour, so I checked them out and HI I'M IN LOVE. They're called Drive A and they're young punk rockers from LA and their music is aaaawesome. I already bought their debut on iTunes (it's $6.99! Go! Buy!) and I'm only halfway through but I can tell I'm going to have this album on repeat a LOT! It's the best kind of fast, crunchy guitar rock with reasonably melodic vocal lines. And the guys are super cute, which never ever hurts! I'm REALLY excited to see them open for The Used in Detroit now. :DDDDD You should all check them out too! Yay baby rockers!!

bandom - the used, music, bandom - drive a

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