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Jun 21, 2009 00:21

I just watched Almost Famous - for the first time! :O I know, I know, but I have remedied the appalling gap in my library now. People have always said I have to see it, but I thought it was just some romantic comedy or something. Nobody told me it's a love letter to 70s rock! It was so wonderful. Billy Crudup is far more attractive with long hair, I must say. And little Patrick Fugit, aww! What an amazing cast, am I right? Just such a lovely movie, and I loved all the Led Zeppelin and Elton John and Allman Brothers and etc scattered through. I will always be thankful to Supernatural for introducing me to that kind of music in a real way. :)

The reason I've been so quiet (no posts in three days! :O) is that I was in Philly with my bestest, Michelle, for Wednesday-Friday. We had a lovely but all-too-brief time. I got to see her new apartment (adorable!) and meet her new kitten (Calypso, aka Caly, and TOO DARLING FOR WORDS OMG) and walk around Philly in the rain. :) But mostly I got to see my Michelle. We watched Friday Night Lights and Bones and talked and talked. It hurts that we're going to be so far apart, but our parents live in the same state, and no way is she done with me. (*waves* Love you girl!)

My new computer is amaaaaaaazing. I haven't decided on a name yet - I keep calling her a her because she's so sleek and sexy, and I also keep calling her a spaceship. I might name her Kara. I could be clever and name her Tami, after both River Tam and Tami Taylor! Hmmmmm. Decisions decisions. Regardless of her name, she's so freaking gorgeous and fast and perrrrfect whee.

I'm leaving for Michigan in 12 days. O.O This week is dedicated to finishing the feat of cleaning and organizing my room, doing my massive mountain of laundry, and figuring out what shit I'm bringing with me. Craziness! I can't believe it's so soon, but like I said many times before - SO EXCITED.

Fannishly, I LOVE BONES SO MUCHHHH. I've just been devouring it, om nom nom nom. I can't decide who's my favorite - everyone's amazing! I loved the episode where Bones got kidnapped and Booth rescued her (That's not a spoiler - I'm sure that happens at least three times, lol). They are so sweet and in love and I have missed this kind of amazing UST! It's interesting because objectively, they have a million similarities to Mulder and Scully, but in my opinion the dynamic has a very different vibe. Booth is a bit more over the top than Mulder, a bit more goofy, but he's also sometimes more intense and scary. And while Bones and Scully are both rational scientists, Scully was very much an elegant, worldly woman, while Bones is far more awkward and detached from the real world. I like that they're entirely distinct, because if it was too much like Mulder and Scully v2.0 I know I'd get annoyed! As it is, I'm in love. ♥ (Look, I even have an icon! Cuuuuties.)

I'm also all about Six Feet Under, even though everyone continues to sabotage themselves all the time. It could be like a horrible train wreck, but no one is ever hateful or unsympathetic, they're just human. It's an incredibly fine line, and the show has walked it nearly perfectly all five seasons. I know the finale is insane and heartbreaking, so I'm kind of bracing myself for that. I'm halfway through season 5 now - almost there! In fact, I'm gonna go watch some right now. ♥!

six feet under, my tami, rl, bones, movies, summer 09, michelle

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