(no subject)

Jun 17, 2009 00:05

Today is a good day!

I saw my friend Jake from high school for the first time in THREE YEARS. We were geek buddies in high school and continue to be geek buddies. He's awesome. We went bowling (I totally kicked his ass) and then got a pint of Guinness and chatted for a while. Om nom and yay :)

Then I met three of my oldest and wonderfulest high school friends, Sarah, Coryn, and Dana (I've known Dana since we were ten, oh the stories she can tell about me!). We hung out in an Irish pub for four hours just talking about everything, life and school and guys and sex and studying abroad and high school and the future and everything. It was ridiculously fun, I had a wonderful time. I used to be so antisocial - when I was around people too long, I would start to get restless and need to leave and be on my own again. But Dublin totally cured me of that and I just kept talking and talking and it was just wonderful.

Another glorious thing to happen to me today was this baby:

That's right, I'm typing now on my brand spanking new 15" MacBook Pro. OH MY GOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH. The screen is huge and sleek and BRIGHT, the speakers are deeply fantastic, the keyboard is EVEN nicer than on my Macbook, the body is smooth and shiny, and it's so goddamn fast! And I have 250 GB of hard drive space AHHHH! Unimaginable riches! I am so giddy and in love with my pretty new toy!

I was totally prepared to stick with my old Macbook (three years old) until it gave up the ghost, but my brother needed a computer for college (he hasn't had one in a while because by various means he has lost two different computers and my parents wouldn't get him another). He wanted to buy one with the money saved for him for college, but that's supposed to go towards tuition, and I was like well... I was considering buying one with the fellowship Michigan gave me, so he can have my old one? And my mom was like YES, do that, and so here I am, with my shiny new laptop whee! My mom paid for it but I'm going to repay her once I get my first paycheck from Michigan.

TL;DR -> SHINY = YAY. *twirls* Now I'm gonna give it a spin!

friends, my sammy, high school, rl, summer 09

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