Supernatural 1x22

May 15, 2009 00:11

I feel like I just ran a freaking marathon!

So this is my reaction post before reading ANYONE else's. This is pure, unadulterated me.



(The mea culpas and eating crow will come at the end, I promise. For now just let me flail.)

I totally called Ruby being evil (come on, all that smirking?) and being killed by Dean. I mean, she's been so problematic and different this season - I'm thinking that that demon wasn't actually Ruby, not the same Ruby we saw in season 3. It was another demon who jumped on the opportunity to form an alliance with SAM WINCHESTER, the hellspawns' own Chosen One. Hoooly crap. It makes the sudden sexualization of "Ruby" much more understandable (though not really less problematic) - it was another demon capitalizing on the feminine nature of the persona and using it the only way they could conceive of. Nevermind that it wasn't necessary, it's understandable.

When they showed the yellow eyes and Lucifer instructing him to find a special child? !!!!!!!!!!!!ALSFDKSDLI I LEAPT OUT OF MY CHAIR. Now I think maybe this WAS part of Kripke's grand plan - this was Azazel's game plan from the get go! HOLY FUCKING SHIT. And he set up the "competition" between the special children so that the best would come out on top, and he would be the one to kill Lilith and free Lucifer. And you know what? THE ONLY REASON SAM CAME OUT ON TOP WAS BECAUSE OF DEAN'S LOVE FOR HIM.


..... :O

That breaks my heart a little bit.

But back to the beginning! THE PREVIOUSLIES! CARRY ON MY WAYWARD FUCKING SON OMG. It was then that I felt a surge of hope. They showed the epic YOUWEREDEAD hug of DOOOM and LOOOOVE. This show is about Winchesters! In love! Always has been! Yay!

And then we opened with shots of them staring into the distance and feeling EMPTY. OH BOYS. I wanted to wrap them up in an enormous hug. TOGETHER.

And THEN Dean was an enormous idiot. "I'm not sure he's still my brother. If he ever was." YOU HUGE MORON. I've been on board the Dean train this whole season, but that whole whineologue made me want to smack him. LUCKILY BOBBY WAS MY AVATAR AND DID IT FOR ME! \o/ That was, like, the best Bobby moment EVER. He called him a BRAT! He generally kicked massive amounts of sense into him and YAAAAY BOBBY FOR SAVING THE WORLD OR SOME SHIT.

And then Dean left the most perfect voicemail ever and I criiiied. (Well, I teared up? Whatever, I was flailing.)

The room the angels had him in was hilarious, by the way. It was like a rabid stray cat being caught in a gilded cage. The way he was stalking that room? Unf. I loved when he broke the angel statue and looked all guilty when Castiel showed up, hee.

THE ANGELS ARE DICKS. I mean, big shocker, but like. TOTAL DICKS. Their goal is not to save humanity, it's to win in some epic "pissing match" with Lucifer and hell! Who cares who gets caught in the crossfire! Wow man. That's cold. Not exactly shocking, again, but still, I didn't expect it to be that blatant! They didn't even make excuses! It was just like, well, whatever, Lucifer will die and then everything will be perfect la la la! The guy playing Zachariah is so perfectly smug and creepy and I wanted to punch him in the faaaace. Basically, perfect.

I loooved Dean begging Castiel to help him. I LOVED Castiel helping him! That was, um, really hot, with the blood and the badassery, let's not lie. And I'm intrigued to see what happened with him and the prophet against the archangel! I don't think Castiel's dead, but it will be interesting to see how that played out. Regardless, RAH RAH CASTIEL. \o/

THE LAST SCENE HAD MY HEART THUMPING QUITE LITERALLY. RIGHT ALONG WITH THE THUMPING ON THE SOUNDTRACK. OHHHHHMYGOD. First, the fake voicemail from Dean and Sam's FACE. That shattered my heart into a million pieces. And the fact that they're at a point where he could BELIEVE that... OW OW OW OW. Partly Dean's fault, but OW!!!

AND THEN OH THEN. Ruby's face when she closed the doors on Dean? I WANTED TO MURDER HER MYSELF. And Sam's FACE when he heard Dean. HIS FACE. HIS LITTLE FACE. So young and uncertain and his quiet, uncertain "Dean?" and THAT was the sound of my heart breaking in two! I loved how he looked at Ruby, screaming herself hoarse, and just frowned slightly like she was just a distraction, then she LITERALLY blurred out of focus and it was like there was this invisible force dragging him towards his DEAN. What a beautiful piece of cinematography. But then Lilith goes and is a bitch and blah blah oops /o\

Speaking of Lilith - anyone notice how she was a blonde in a white dress pinned against a surface with her arms out? UH. YEAH. UM. If Kripke had all of this planned out from day one, I withdraw everything I have said against the man. I REALLY do. I mean, that image, was Azazel intentionally trying to evoke it with the murders of Mary and Jess? It can't possibly be coincidence. It gives me CHILLS. Chills!!!

I wish Genevieve Cortese was a bit of a better actress, because then the switch to revealing her true motives would have been a liiiiittle more compelling. But Sam's shocked and broken face was enough for me (fucking KUDOS, Jared! That boy has grown the fuck up <3). The Dumbo line was slightly hokey but it was also a hilariously apt image. It's kind of insane that the demon blood was actually unnecessary for his powers, but was it still addicting? I think the whole addict portion of the storyline was a litttttle much, but it's painful anyway that he had the power in himself the whole time. That was Azazel's gift.

I AM STILL BLOWN AWAY BY THAT BTW. I think that was incredible, explaining two entire seasons of canon with one little scene. The Azazel puzzle, finally answered. Holy. Shit.

"It always had to be you" isn't much of an answer though. Why him specifically? Was he always destined to win the Azazel's Special Children Olympics? Was it something about his relationship with Dean and Dean being the other half of the apocalypse, getting it started?

Are the Winchester brothers both the agents of Lucifer's rise and the agents of his destruction?


I'm really still trying to wrap my head around this.

And now for the very ending. I'm wrestling with Ruby's death - is it just me, or was it kind of insanely sexualized, to have Sam hold her up while Dean rammed the knife in? It was an extremely fucked up way of beginning to heal the rift between them. Necessary and justified, but let's just say that our show's issues with gender aren't going away any time soon. That said though, it was a really powerful symbolic image, the first thing that Sam and Dean have worked together to achieve all SEASON. Their newly rediscovered bond, baptized in demon blood. I've said it before and I'll say it again: holy shit.


Oh and something about Lucifer about to emerge? Whatever, SAMANDDEANNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that is why my face is like this --> :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I am totally and utterly eating my words. I really am. I'M SORRY FOR BEING AN ENORMOUS STUPID BITCH. D: That isn't to say that I don't still think that it was insanely painful to go through, and that it was rather over the top and sometimes the boys REALLY did not act like themselves wrt each other, but I think... that was the point. It was more subtle on the Dean side, but I think if I go back and watch again I'll be able to see heaven subtly and slowly setting Dean against Sam, conditioning him to give up on Sam and let him become the necessary monster to kill Lilith. That was the only way it could ever be accomplished. It hurt like a motherfucker, but I really didn't envision this end game at all, so.... I'll munch on that crow now. You were right, I was wrong, errr, yeah.

I am glad that I was on Dean's side though, because, well... it turned out he was right, pretty much. Ruby wasn't to be trusted, and Sam's path was entirely the wrong one, even if Dean didn't know exactly why. I've been going through his emotional rollercoaster, resentful and hurt and angry and betrayed, and I guess I've been feeling those emotions too sharply. I guess that's just how I roll. I don't think rewatches will be less painful, but they will be more tolerable because I know what the point is.

I am ridiculously pleased with this episode. Next season will start with a huge battle, I guess? Something? But the only thing that matters is that SAM AND DEAN ARE ON THE SAME SIDE. They are clutching at each other like life itself, and I think that they can both agree unequivocally that killing Lucifer is THE plan of action right now. I think they're pretty damaged, but with the Winchesters that's like saying water is wet. They'll probably have some issues to work out, but it won't necessarily be too much, because for Sam's part, he's going to feel horribly guilty for being tricked into, oh, RELEASING LUCIFER, while Dean will be feeling forgiving because he too was duped by the angels, and anyway, it's his SAMMY. So I think they're actually at a really good point to reconcile and be the SamandDean we know and love.

As long as they manage to kill Lucifer first.

Wow, that got long! Come talk to meeeeee!

supernatural s4, supernatural

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