I will remember you, will you remember me?

May 13, 2009 18:39

I just said goodbye to Jeremy! ;__;

We had a really lovely afternoon sitting at a cafe and chatting out in the gorgeous sunshine. It was just... really nice to get that time one last time. We talked about the usual things, I told him about my house, he told me about his plans for the summer, etc etc. It was just really chill and relaxing. Then I walked with him back to campus, where he was about to show a movie that he had invited me to but I had dinner plans so I couldn't. Dave was waiting there so I said hi to him, and then there was this awkward moment where it was like "well, this is goodbye o.O" and Jeremy wished me good luck and after some physical dithering opened his arms for the hug, hee. I'm happy to report that he gives good hugs. I also snagged his phone number, so. I hope we won't lose touch entirely. Regardless, it was a really nice way to say goodbye, and that's all I wanted.

Then I went out to dinner with my roommates and a couple friends of ours who graduated two years ago. They're married now and live in the area. We went to a lovely little Japanese restaurant where I had Kasu Don and it was AMAZING, I've never had it before! It was, again, really nice to just sit and chat with them. They're a wonderful pair of people and I'm going to miss them a lot!

So other than waking up at 8 AM to have carpet cleaning tubes run through my window and my whole apartment cleaned, today has been a really lovely, if kind of sad, day. It was the first time I really felt sad that I'm leaving this place. Three more days until I graduate...

jeremy, senior, rl, college, michelle

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