SN 4x09

Nov 13, 2008 22:00

I actually watched SPN live tonight! :D

Spoilery reactions to SN 4x09 )

supernatural s4, episode reactions - spn

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Comments 9

sunktheglow November 14 2008, 03:51:47 UTC
I don't really like this Ruby, either, and I full-on agree with you about the blonde Ruby. I'm pretty disgusted that Sam had sex with her. I wasn't thinking about the necrophilia as much as I was thinking about the fact that Ruby is a demon and what does this mean for his soul (although, now that I think about the screwing a dead girl thing, ew).

Alastair? I think that's what Dean said his name was. I cannot wait to see more about Dean in Hell, really. Jared's drunkeness is really fake to me? Maybe they should have actually had him drink before he gave his lines.


exsequar November 14 2008, 06:17:06 UTC
I'm disgusted too, but I'm actually hoping that that's what the writers want us to feel. That it's another indication that Sam is sliding down a slippery slope. At least they didn't try to make us buy that he's in love with her or anything; she's another desperate, dark thing to sink his misery into. I hope they haven't fucked since Dean got back.

It's still gross though :(

Ah yes, Alastair! Thanks. And yes, i am WAY WAY more excited for the stuff about Dean's missing 6 months than Sam's. Sam was miserable, Sam was drunk (unconvincingly), blah blah. Clearly that's why they saved the Dean stuff til the CRAZY SECOND PART. *makes grabby hands*


gigglingkat November 14 2008, 04:01:22 UTC
Also, I HAVE A PROBLEM with the way she gestured disdainfully at the black woman's body she was in. Call me an oversensitive bleeding heart, but SERIOUSLY, SPN? SERIOUSLY. Sera Gamble, you're on notice.
I believe the gesture was that she was in an "occupied" body - not dismissive of it. Sam gets pissy when she's possessing people.


exsequar November 14 2008, 04:02:28 UTC
Ohh. Hm. Okay. That's alright then.


gigglingkat November 14 2008, 04:12:49 UTC
yeah... I'm never sure what I feel about the 2 parters until I've seen both parts. To me we're at the 30 minute mark.

I'm not sure I like where it's going.

But at least that bit was ok. 'Cause I did a bit of a double take and rewound.


ghostrunner7 November 14 2008, 06:07:54 UTC
I'm... not gonna lie, I found it quite attractive because I'm fucked in the head like that

You and me both, sister.


exsequar November 14 2008, 06:14:34 UTC
Om nom nommmmmmm. Seriously.


musical_emjay November 14 2008, 07:41:24 UTC

I feel really GUILTY for loving almost everything about the episode while so many people on my flist are all just RAHHHH HAAAAAATE OMG WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. And like, I can sort of understand, intellectually, where they're coming from, but it's causing me so much STRESS. UGH, this is why I backed out of SPN fandom last year. I can't handle the intense drama D:

As for Ruby, yeah, I'm really not thrilled at all by the actress either, but I'm willing to accept the sex because other people have explained convincingly enough for me why it ISN'T necro, and because I can understand sort of WHY it happened, in that "sex and death go together" thing, reaching out for whoever is there for some contact. For me, it was anvily enough about how she was intentionally being so pushy to get Sam to give in to a base, human NEED in that moment, so as long as it was a once or twice thing I will let it slide (also because it was still SO FUCKING SCORCHING OH MY GOD I CANNOT EVEN DEAL D:). The hot fucking SECOND ( ... )


sorchasilver November 19 2008, 22:27:46 UTC
I completely agree with you about Anna, I really liked her.


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