SN 4x09

Nov 13, 2008 22:00

I actually watched SPN live tonight! :D

Okay, first off - I still really don't like Ruby. They've given her more to do, and I still have yet to laugh or even react in any strong way to any of her lines. The lady who was "just some secretary" was a lot better, even just in the 5 minutes she had. This Ruby is just... bland, unexciting, and I utterly fail to understand Sam's attraction to her.

Which, can I just say: UGH. Dead body or no... okay wait, IT'S STILL NECROPHILIA. THERE IS NO GOOD HERE, SUPERNATURAL WRITERS. You should have just not tried at all D: D:

On the other hand, I like Anna a lot. She's beautiful in a fragile yet idiosyncratic way - I like the way her mouth moves when she talks, and her long red hair that's both beautiful and breakable, and her massive sincere eyes. I loved her reaction to the boys, and Dean just lapping it up <33

Overall, I wasn't a huge fan of this episode. Too much Ruby :-/ I hope there's a LOT MORE Castiel and Uriel next week, and Anna too. The flashbacks of Sam as angsty drunk were interesting, but I'm sorry but Jared's acting just doesn't have the same emotional weight for me as Jensen's, sometimes. *hands*

However, MY FAVORITE SCENE EVER EVER was when they patched themselves up after the run in with... demon from hell whose name escapes me at the moment. With Sam stitching himself up, ACK. The stoic competence and gritted teeth! Dean washing the blood out of his mouth! Sam popping his shoulder back in with a "One... POP!" And no complaining, just some hissing and chugging of liquor. I'm... not gonna lie, I found it quite attractive because I'm fucked in the head like that, but ALSO it was a fantastic look at what LIFE IS LIKE for these guys. Real, dirty, every day LIFE. They get fucking broken, they fix each other, they keep going. It made me flail.

So, to sum up: moar Winchesters angsting prettily at each other, less Ruby. Plz and kthx.

supernatural s4, episode reactions - spn

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