But why's the rum gone?!

Aug 11, 2008 10:24

Hoo boy, it's gonna be a slow day. I wasn't able to run a reaction over the weekend because they turned off the electricity on campus, so I don't have a column to run or ANYTHING. If I'm lucky, setting up a reaction will take up the rest of the morning (a lot of that sitting and waiting for the oil bath to equilibrate) but after that, the reaction takes at least a day, so, nada until tomorrow. I can work on my paper for the summer, but that's BORING. I'm talking to Niall right now but I doubt he'll be around all day.

Right now we're kinda scrapin the bottom of the barrel in terms of supplies. My starting material, trifluridine, costs $1,300 for 10 grams, and I'm down to about half a gram of it. Meep. I'm also out of cyanoethyltetraisopropylphosphane and thus cannot run another phosphoramidite step until that gets here. And I don't know when I'm going to run out of 15N labeled ammonium chloride. Sigh! It's tough working in a poor lab.

Yes, I'm just chembabbling because I can, okay.

Last night was really fun. Rob's girlfriend Dierdre, whom I hit it off with right away (they met while I was in Dublin), spent the night at my place last night (Rob's not around) on her way to somewhere else. Her mom (who drove her here) took us out to dinner, which was lovely of her, and our waiter was an adorably charming young man named Seth. I mentioned that it was my 21st in a week because I couldn't order a beer when he was tempting me with their in-house brews, and then he wished me a happy birthday when he left the check! It was quite ridiculously sweet. I miss flirting and boys. *pouts*

So Dierdre and I had a lovely girls' night in. Her mom had left her a bottle of rum (?! her mom is kind of ridiculously awesome) so we had rum and cokes and got rather hilariously giggly. Then we had brownie sundaes and watched Atlantis - McKay and Mrs. Miller and Echoes. Lovelovelove. *rolls around in Rodney goodness* It was really fun and kind of necessary for my soul, I think.

Lalalala. *twiddles thumbs* Entertain me, o flist?? Just come say hi! *smiles pretty*

rl, college, fenlon, summer 08

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