Sure. Fine. Whatever. (!!!!!!!)

Jul 25, 2008 01:19

I feel about to EXPLODE with an excess of emotion. I kind of love feeling like this, whatever the reason. Usually it's a confluence of relatively silly things, but hey. This is fandom. You guys GET it.

Things wot are making me flail:
  • X-FILES MOVIE OMG!!!!! (Yes still) The premiere is in the process of playing (on the east coast) RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. Eeeeee. I watched two episodes with Rob tonight, Syzygy and Pusher. One hilarious, the other tense and wonderful. Scully's bitchface is a glory to behold ("Sure, fine, whatever") and oh, her skepticism of the one and only WHAMMY ("Would you please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy."). OH SCULLY YOU ARE MY FAVORITE. IMDB informs me that the X-Files creators had someone else in mind for Scully at first.... wait for it.... PAMELA ANDERSON. I almost died of laughter, not gonna lie. DEAR CHRIS CARTER FOX NETWORK, UR DOIN IT RONG. Did you know Gillian was only 24 when she started?! Holy crap.
  • WARPED IN TWO DAYS! Cobraaaas! LOEEEEY! Lots of funtiems! Luckily a storm broke the heat here yesterday, so it's going to be low 80s and partly cloudy. YAY!
  • arsenicjade's A Light to Burn All the Empires. Mikey/Frank. It's one of those stories that you feel in your whole body. I haven't finished it yet, but I keep physically flailing, and I've been repeatedly on the brink of tears, and she writes the Gerard-Mikey dynamic like no one else, and OH. <3333
  • MCR MIGHT DO A BOB DYLAN COVER FOR THE WATCHMEN SOUNDTRACK!!!! I think Gerard came in his pants. Seriously. This piece of news about our hiatusing boys is giving me a completely inordinate amount of joy. NEW MUSICS. FROM OUR LOVERS. Ughhhh ♥___♥
  • Not so much joyous as just... I dunno, satisfying? Tomorrow is the chemistry department's summer poster session. Last year, I was FREAKED the fuck OUT. I kept flailing about how I wouldn't be good enough and they would grill me and it would be horrible!! ....then it was super duper low key and I shouldn't have worried at all. So I'm not! I've got a beautiful poster, and I understand my work, and everything is grand. Lalala!

I need to go to bed. MULDER AND SCULLY SO SOON OMG.

concerts, fenlon, bandom - mcr, summer 08, x-files

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