I... am an X-Phile.

Jul 24, 2008 01:13

I'd just like to say one thing:


Phew! It's been a long time since I said that! Way back in the day, when i was but a wee thing in high school, I started catching this show called X-Files in reruns on TV. Sadly, it only aired while I was at work that summer, so I used this ancient device called a VCR to schedule recordings of two episodes a day. Then I would come home and watch them. My experience was all jumbled, since two networks were airing reruns from completely different seasons. But I loved it. Oh how I loved it. Somehow, I stumbled onto fic, and I was a GONER. I inhaled vast swathes of the Gossamer archive, and from there stumbled into eljay, and so I think we all have Mulder and Scully to thank for my shining presence in these here parts of the interwebs \o/

One X-Files fanfic that amazingly still sticks out in my memory is this epic series called After the Future (that's a link). It was started in 1999, and at the time I was reading it, about 2004, it was still IN PROGRESS. I just dug up that link today, and it appears that it was finished about a year ago, but the author is still posting little codas and missing scenes every now and then. Holy crap. That's amazing. And the thing is, it was GOOD. The premise (vaguely, since it's been four years since I read it) was that the alien colonization occurred, and Mulder and Scully and most of the named characters in the show escaped and set up a settlement, one of many scattered across the nation, and tried to do battle against the Forces of Evil. To a large extent it was domesticity fic, as Mulder and Scully, you know, realized they were in love and started having wee kidlets, three of them, one of whom was named after Alex Krycek which gives me SUCH GLEE, OKAY. (He plays a strong role and while all conflicted and kind of assholey, mostly comes around and is Made Of Awesome.) Skinner marries Scully's mom, and the Lone Gunmen are around, and it is just fabulous and awesome and I kind of really want to read it again.

ANYway, what prompted this post is that I got the yen tonight for some X-Files, and as I have only the third season DVDs, I sort of picked an episode at random. It was called Oubliette, and it turned out that not only had I not seen it, IT HAD JEWEL STAITE IN IT! Wee, 14 or 15 year old Jewel Staite! Getting all kidnapped and scared, awwww! It was totally random, I swear, and made me squeak and flap my hands! She was so precious. And then the episode itself was just made of fucking win, as is all of season three, and OH MULDER AND SCULLY. FIRST LOVES OF MY HEART.


I am so excited :D

summer 08, x-files

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